Dr. Garbovskiy joined Central Connecticut State University in 2019. He is a Senior Member of OPTICA (formerly the Optical Society of America). His research interests include experimental soft condensed matter physics (liquid crystals, polymers, nanomaterials), applied physics, photonics and advanced optical materials, and physics education. Dr. Garbovskiy has authored over 100 research publications, including a book published by Cambridge University Press. Dr. Garbovskiy has edited several special issues of academic journals and currently serves on the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journals, including Liquid Crystals (since 2024), Frontiers in Soft Matter - Liquid Crystals (since 2022), Optics (since 2019), and Applied Optics (2016-2022).
Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Physics
Thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals; ionic liquid crystals; glass-forming liquid crystals; ferroelectric, conducting and bio-polymers; surface phenomena; colloids (structure and phase transitions, transport, optical, and nonlinear-optical properties)
Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Fabrication and characterization of different nanomaterials (ferroelectric, magnetic, semiconductor, metal); nanomaterials in liquid crystals (material properties, structure, and self-assembly, nanoparticle-enabled ion trapping and ion generation)
Optics and Advanced Optical Materials
Multifunctional and tunable composite materials made of liquid crystals, mesomorphic glass, polymers, and nano-dopants (optics, electro- and magneto-optics of nano-colloids, stressed liquid crystals, vitrified and hybrid materials)
Applied Physics
Display and non-display applications of liquid crystals including fast switching materials and microwave liquid crystal technology
Biophysics and Biophotonics
Bio-medical applications of liquid crystals and nanoparticles; liquid crystals in biology; bio-polymers
Physics Education
Active learning; video analysis in education; integration of teaching, research, and learning
Many of my papers were recognized in different ways including Crystals 2017 Best Paper Award, APL Editor’s Pick Article (2016), Key Scientific Article (2015,2017), Highlights of the Best Research published in Materials Research Express (2014), etc.
102 publications: 6 invited book chapters/reviews; 59 peer-reviewed research papers (18 papers are single-authored); 33 conference papers; 3 technical reports, and 1 patent.
88 conference presentations (16 invited).
1 book
“A Practical Guide to Experimental Geometrical Optics” by Y. Garbovskiy and A. Glushchenko, Cambridge University Press, Online ISBN: 9781316758465 (January 2018). https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316758465 .
Central Connecticut State University
6) Y. Garbovskiy, A perspective on the Langmuir adsorption model applied to molecular liquid crystals containing ions and nanoparticles. Front. Soft. Matter (2022) 2:1079063. doi: 10.3389/frsfm.2022.1079063
5) Y. Garbovskiy Conventional and unconventional ionic phenomena in tunable soft materials made of liquid crystals and nanoparticles Nano Express 2021 2 012004 (Invited Topical Review) https://doi.org/10.1088/2632-959X/abe652
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
4) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Ferroelectric nanoparticles in liquid crystals: recent progress and current challenges, Nanomaterials, 2017, 7, 361; doi:10.3390/nano7110361.
3) Y. Reznikov, A. Glushchenko, Y. Garbovskiy, Magnetic and Ferroelectric Nanoparticles in Liquid Crystals, pp. 657-693. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789814619264_0019 in Liquid Crystals with Nano and Microparticles (Series in Soft Condensed Matter: Volume 7), ISBN: 978-981-4619-25-7 (hardcover), December 2016 – January 2017
2) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Liquid crystalline colloids of nanoparticles: preparation, properties, and applications, Solid State Physics, 62 1 - 74, 2010.
1) Y. Garbovskiy, O. Zribi and A. Glushchenko (2012). Emerging Applications of Ferroelectric Nanoparticles in Materials Technologies, Biology and Medicine, Advances in Ferroelectrics, Aimé Peláiz Barranco (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0885-6, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/52516.
Central Connecticut State University
59) Y. Garbovskiy, The untold story of the undergraduate liquid crystal research project of 1902 in the US. Liquid Crystals Today 32(4), 88–90 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/1358314X.2023.2359219 DOI:10.1080/1358314X.2023.2359219 (published: June 2024)
58) D. Zhulai, N. Boichuk, D. Pustovyi, O. Kovalchuk, Y. Garbovskiy, S. Bugaychuk, G. Klimusheva, T. Mirnaya, S. Vitusevich, Exploring dielectric properties and polarization relaxation processes in ionic liquid crystals with synthesized carbon and gold nanoparticles. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 768(9), 187-198 (2024) DOI:10.1080/15421406.2024.2348198 2024
57) V. Rudenko, A. Tolochko, D. Zhulai, S. Bugaychuk, G. Klimusheva, G. Yaremchuk, T. Mirnaya & Y. Garbovskiy, Modifying optical nonlinearities of ionic liquid crystal glass by adding gold and carbon nanoparticles. Journal of Molecular Liquids 393, 123641 (2024)
56) O.V. Kovalchuk, T.M. Kovalchuk, Y. Garbovskiy, Eliminating Ambiguities in Electrical Measurements of Advanced Liquid Crystal Materials. Crystals 13, 1093 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13071093
55) Y.A. Garbovskiy, P. Kopčanský, O.V. Kovalchuk, T.M. Kovalchuk, L.V. Volokh. Peculiarities of the effect of different types of SOR nano-impurities on the value of ionic component of the electrical conductivity of the homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystal 6 СВ. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics 26 (2), 173-179 (2023).
54) O.V. Kovalchuk, T.M. Kovalchuk, Y.A. Garbovskiy, R.F. Svistilnik, D.V. Pushkarov, L.V. Volokh, O.A. Lagoda, I.V. Oleinikova, Dynamics of temperature dependence of the dielectric properties of a nanocomposite material based on linear polyethylene in the vicinity of the percolation transition. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics 26 (1), 041-048 (2023).
53) V. Rudenko, A. Tolochko, D. Zhulai, S. Bugaychuk, G. Klimusheva, G. Yaremchuk, T. Mirnaya & Y. Garbovskiy, Intensity-dependent optical nonlinearities of composite materials made of ionic liquid crystal glass and bimetallic nanoparticles. Liquid Crystals (2022). DOI:10.1080/02678292.2022.2127952 Invited paper
52) O.V. Kovalchuk, T.M. Kovalchuk, N. Tomašovičová, M. Timko, K. Zakutanska, D. Miakota, P. Kopčanský, O.F. Shevchuk, and Y. Garbovskiy, Dielectric and electrical properties of nematic liquid crystals 6CB doped with iron oxide nanoparticles. The combined effect of nanodopant concentration and cell thickness. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 366 (15) 120305 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2022.120305
51) O. V. Kovalchuk, A. Glushchenko & Y. Garbovskiy, Improving experimental procedures for assessing electrical properties of advanced liquid crystal materials. Liquid Crystals (2022). DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2022.2114027 Invited paper
50) V. Rudenko, A. Tolochko, S. Bugaychuk, D. Zhulai, G. Klimusheva, G. Yaremchuk, T. Mirnaya, Y. Garbovskiy, Probing Optical Nonlinearities of Unconventional Glass Nanocomposites Made of Ionic Liquid Crystals and Bimetallic Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials. 12(6), 924 (1-14) (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12060924
49) O. Melnyk, R. Jones, R. Macêdo, Y. Garbovskiy, G. Hagen, A. V. Glushchenko, K. Spendier, R. E. Camley, Fast Switching Dual-Frequency Nematic Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters, ACS Photonics 8, 4, 1222–1231 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.1c00151
48) Y. Garbovskiy, A. V. Emelyanenko, A. Glushchenko, Inverse “guest–host” effect: ferroelectric nanoparticles mediated switching of nematic liquid crystals, Nanoscale,12, 16438-16442 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR05301E Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight https://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=56010.php
47) Y. Garbovskiy, On the Analogy between Electrolytes and Ion-Generating Nanomaterials in Liquid Crystals, Nanomaterials , 10(3), 403 (2020); https://doi.org/10.3390/nano10030403 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight https://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=54691.php
46) O. Melnyk, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Order parameter of dual frequency nematic liquid crystals measured over a wide range of thicknesses, Liquid Crystals, 47(9), 1338-1344 (2020). (DOI:10.1080/02678292.2020.1716274) https://doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2020.1716274
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
45) O. Melnyk, Y. Garbovskiy, D. Bueno-Baques, A. Glushchenko, Electro-Optical Switching of Dual-Frequency Nematic Liquid Crystals: Regimes of Thin and Thick Cells, Crystals 9 (6), 314 (2019)
44) R. Camley, Z. Celinski, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Liquid crystals for signal processing applications in the microwave and millimeter wave frequency ranges, Liquid Crystals Reviews, 6:1, 17-52, (2018) DOI: 10.1080/21680396.2018.1509385
43) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Frequency-dependent electro-optics of liquid crystal devices utilizing nematics and weakly conducting polymers, Advanced Optical Technologies, 7(4), 243-248 (2018) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/aot-2018-0026
42) V. Rudenko, Y. Garbovskiy, G. Klimusheva, T. Mirnaya, Intensity dependent nonlinear absorption coefficients and nonlinear refractive indices of glass-forming ionic liquid crystals doped with gold and silver nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Volume 267, Pages 56-60 (2018).
41) Y. Garbovskiy, Time-dependent electrical properties of liquid crystal cells: unravelling the origin of ion generation, Liquid Crystals, 45:10, 1540-1548 (2018) DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2018.1455228 This paper was highly commended by the Selection Committee (The 2018 Luckhurst-Samulski Prize) and was referred to in an Editorial in issue 12 (2019) of Liquid Crystals.
40) Y. Garbovskiy, Nanoparticle-Enabled Ion Trapping and Ion Generation in Liquid Crystals, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, vol. 2018, Article ID 8914891, 8 pages, (2018). https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8914891 Featured article
39) Y. Garbovskiy, Nanomaterials in Liquid Crystals as Ion-Generating and Ion-Capturing Objects, Crystals, 8(7), 264 (2018) https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst8070264
38) Y. Garbovskiy, Kinetics of ion-capturing/ion-releasing processes in liquid crystal devices utilizing contaminated nanoparticles and alignment films, Nanomaterials 8(2), 59 (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/nano8020059 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight
37) Y. A. Garbovskiy, D. R. Evans, P. P. Banerjee, A. V. Glushchenko, Static and dynamic electro-optical properties of liquid crystals mediated by ferroelectric polymer films, RSC Adv., 8, 1889-1898 (2018) DOI:10.1039/C7RA12443K
36) Y. Garbovskiy, Biological contamination of nanoparticles and its manifestation in optical absorbance measurements, Analytical Chemistry, 89 (14), 7282–7285 (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01766 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight
35) Y. Garbovskiy, Ions and size effects in nanoparticle/liquid crystal colloids sandwiched between two substrates. The case of two types of fully ionized species, Chemical Physics Letters, 679, 77-85 (2017) Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight. This paper was selected as a key scientific article, https://advanceseng.com/ions-size-effects-nanoparticle-liquid-crystal-colloids-sandwiched-between-two-substrates/
34) Y. Garbovskiy, Ions in liquid crystals doped with nanoparticles: conventional and counterintuitive temperature effects, Liquid Crystals, 44:9, 1402-1408, (2017) DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2017.1280856 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight
33) Y. Garbovskiy, Nanoparticle enabled thermal control of ions in liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, 44:6, 948-955, (2017) DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2016.1254827 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight
32) Y. Garbovskiy, Ion capturing/ion releasing films and nanoparticles in liquid crystal devices, Applied Physics Letters 110, 041103 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4974453 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight
31) O. Melnyk, Y. Garbovskiy & A. Glushchenko, Science and technology of stressed liquid crystals: display and non-display applications, Phase Transitions, 90:8, 773-779, (2017) DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2016.1277722
30) T. Nadeina, Y. Garbovskiy & A. Glushchenko, Professor Yuriy Reznikov (1953–2016), Liquid Crystals Today, 26:2, 28-31(2017)
29) Y. Garbovskiy, Switching between purification and contamination regimes governed by the ionic purity of nanoparticles dispersed in liquid crystals, Applied Physics Letters, volume 108, issue 12, 121104 (5 pages), 2016. An APL Editor’s pick; Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight
28) Y. Garbovskiy, Adsorption of ions onto nanosolids dispersed in liquid crystals: towards understanding the ion trapping effect in nanocolloids, Chemical Physics Letters, volume 651 pp. 144-147. (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2016.03.050 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight.
27) Y. Garbovskiy, Electrical properties of liquid crystal nanocolloids analysed from perspectives of the ionic purity of nano-dopants, Liquid Crystals, Volume: 43, Issue: 05, pages 648 – 653 (2016). DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2015.1132784. This paper was highly commended by the Selection Committee (Luckhurst-Samulski Prize 2016) and was referred to in an Editorial in issue 11 (2017) of Liquid Crystals. Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight.
26) Y. Garbovskiy, Impact of contaminated nanoparticles on the nonmonotonous change in the concentration of mobile ions in liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, Volume: 43, Issue: 05, pages 664 - 670 (2016) DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2015.1133850 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight.
25) Y. Garbovskiy, Adsorption / desorption of ions in liquid crystal nano-colloids: the applicability of the Langmuir isotherm, impact of high electric fields, and effects of the nanoparticle’s size,
Liquid Crystals, Volume: 43, Issue: 06, pages 853 – 860 (2016) DOI:10.1080/02678292.2016.1145270 Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight.
24) V. Rudenko, Y. Garbovskiy, G. Klimusheva, T. Mirnaya, G. Yaremchuk, Enhanced optical nonlinearity of the “nonlinear host – nonlinear guest” glassy nanocomposites made of the mesomorphic cobalt octanoate and noble metal nanoparticles, JOSA B, 33(4), 648 – 655 (2016).
23) H. Shim, H.-K. Lyu, B. Allabergenov, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko & B. Choi, Enhancement of frequency modulation response time for polymer-dispersed liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals, 43 (10), 1390-1396. (2016) DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2016.1175677.
22) H. Shim, H.-K. Lyu, B. Allabergenov, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, B. Choi, Switchable Response of Ferroelectric Nanoparticle Doped Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 11125-11129 (5) (2016) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2016.13302
21) Y. Garbovskiy, The purification and contamination of liquid crystals by means of nanoparticles. The case of weakly ionized species, Chemical Physics Letters, volume 658 pp. 331-335 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2016.06.072
20) Y. Garbovskiy, I. Glushchenko, Nano-Objects and Ions in Liquid Crystals: Ion Trapping Effect and Related Phenomena, Crystals, 5(4), 501-533 (2015). This paper is among the most cited papers published in Crystals and received Crystals 2017 Best Paper Award) Featured in the news: Nanowerk Spotlight.
19) Y. Garbovskiy, I. Glushchenko, Ion trapping by means of ferroelectric nanoparticles, and the quantification of this process in liquid crystals, Applied Physics Letters 107, 041106 (2015). This paper was selected as a key scientific article, https://advanceseng.com/applied-physics/ion-trapping-means-ferroelectric-nanoparticles-quantification-process-liquid-crystals/ )
18) G. Klimusheva, T. Mirnaya, Y. Garbovskiy, Versatile Nonlinear-Optical Materials Based on Mesomorphic Metal Alkanoates: Design, Properties, and Applications, Liquid Crystals Reviews, Volume 3, Issue 01, pages 28 – 57 (2015) This article was granted a free access (2016-2017) as the most read paper).
17) O. Zribi, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Single step colloidal processing of stable aqueous dispersions of ferroelectric nanoparticles for biomedical imaging, Materials Research Express, 1 045401 (16 pages) (2014) This paper was featured in the Highlights of the Best Research published in Materials Research Express (2014)
16) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Optical / ferroelectric characterization of BaTiO3 and PbTiO3 colloidal nanoparticles and their applications in hybrid materials technologies, Applied Optics, Feature Issue 52, Iss. 22, pp. E34–E39 (2013).
15) A. Lyashchova, D. Fedorenko, Y. Garbovskiy, G. Klimusheva, T. Mirnaya, V. Asaula, Strong thermal optical nonlinearity caused by CdSe nanoparticles synthesized in smectic ionic liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals 40 (10), 1377 - 1382 (2013).
14) Y. Garbovskiy, J.R. Baptist, J. Thompson, T. Hunter, J.H. Lim, J.B. Wiley,L.M. Malkinski, A. Glushchenko, and Z. Celinski, Increasing the switching speed of liquid crystal devices with magnetic nanorods, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 181109 (5 pages) (2012).
13) Y. Garbovskiy, V. Zagorodnii, P. Krivosik, J. Lovejoy, R. E. Camley, Z. Celinski, A. Glushchenko, J. Dziaduszek, , Liquid crystal phase shifters at milimiter wave frequencies, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 054504 (2012).
12) A. V. Gridyakina, Y. A. Garbovskiy, G. V. Klimusheva, A. P. Polishchuk, Nonlinear optical response of smectic glasses based on cobalt alkanoates, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 57(2), 177 – 182 (2012).
11) Y. Garbovskiy, L. Reisman, Z. Celinski, R. E. Camley, A. Glushchenko, Metallic surfaces as alignment layers for nondisplay applications of liquid crystals, Applied Physics Letters, 98(7), 073301 (3 pages) (2011). This paper has also appeared in the APL: Organic Electronics and Photonics (APL-OEP). APL-OEP is a spotlight journal compiled from the hottest research in organic electronics and photonics published in Applied Physics Letters.
Institute of Physics
10) Y. A. Garbovskiy, A. V. Gridyakina, G. V. Klimusheva, A. S. Tolochko, I. I. Tokmenko, T. A. Mirnaya, Tunable optical and nonlinear-optical response of smectic glasses based on cobalt-alkanoates, Liquid Crystals, 37(11), 1411 – 1418 (2010).
9) A.B. Bordyuh, Y. A. Garbovskiy, S. A. Bugaychuk, G. V. Klimusheva, T. A. Mirnaya, G. G. Yaremchuk, A.P. Polyshchuk Dynamic grating recording in lyotropic ionic smectics of metal alkanoates doped with electrochromic impurities, Optical materials, 31 (8), 1108 – 1114 (2009).
8) A. Bordyuh, Y. Garbovskiy, S. Bugaychuk, G. Klimusheva, V. Reshetnyak Fast Nolinear Optical Mechanisms in Bi-Layered Cells Composed by Lyotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals with Dye and Viologen Films, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 508, 296/[658] - 308/[670] (2009).
7) G. V. Klimusheva, Y. Garbovskii, S. Bugaichuk, A. S. Tolochko, A. V. Gridyakina, A. P. Polishchuk, T. A. Mirnaya, Novel nanocomposite materials based on mesomorphic glasses of metal alkanoates: structure and nonlinear optical properties, High Energy Chemistry, 43(7), 532 – 535 (2009).
6) A. B. Bordyuh, Y. A. Garbovskiy, G. V. Klimusheva, S. A. Bugaychuk, T. A. Mirnaya, G. G. Yaremchuk, A. P. Polishchuk, Cubic susceptibility and hyperpolarizability of the lyotropic liquid crystal – viologen system, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 53(12), 1167-1173 (2008).
Papers [1-6] received the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Award in recognition “for a series of papers “Nonlinear-optical properties of novel materials made of ionic liquid crystals””
5) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Koval’chuk, A. Grydyakina, S. Bugaychuk, T. Mirnaya, G. Klimusheva, Electrical conductivity of lyotropic and thermotropic ionic liquid crystals consisting of metal alkanoates, Liquid Crystals, 34(5), 599-603 (2007).
4) S. Bugaychuk, G. Klimusheva, Y. Garbovskiy, T. Mirnaya, A. Ischenko, Nonlinear optical properties of composites based on conductive metal-alkanoate liquid crystals, Opto-electronic review, 14(4), 275-279, (2006).
3) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Sadovenko, , A. Koval’chuk, G. Klimusheva, S. Bugaychuk, New fast-relaxed liquid crystal materials for optical communication networks, Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 9(1), 61-65, (2006).
2) G. Klimusheva, S. Bugaychuk, Y. Garbovskiy, O. Kolesnik, T. Mirnaya, A. Ishchenko, Fast dynamic holographic recording based on conductive ionic metal-alcanoate liquid crystals and smectic glasses, Optics Letters, 31, 235-237, (2006).
1) Y. A. Garbovskiy , G. V. Klimusheva, S. A. Bugaichuk, O. G. Kolesnik, Holographic Recording in 'Dye–Ionic Smectic' Double layer cell, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 51(1), 11-14 (2006).
Central Connecticut State University
33) V. Rudenko, A. Tolochko, S. Bugaychuk, D. Zhulai, G. Klimusheva, G. Yaremchuk, T. Mirnaya, and Y. Garbovskiy, "Tuning Effective Optical Nonlinearities of Overlooked Glass-Forming Ionic Liquid Crystals," in Advanced Photonics Congress 2024, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2024), paper NoTh1G.5.
32) N. Lee, M. Burnes, S. Foster, A. Saeed, S. Guevara, I. Trevino, Y. Garbovskiy, Nanoparticle-Induced Ionic Effects in Liquid Crystal Devices. Eng. Proc. 2023, 56, 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/ASEC2023-16271
31) V. Rudenko, A. Tolochko, S. Bugaychuk, D. Zhulai, G. Klimusheva, G. Yaremchuk, T. Mirnaya, Y. Garbovskiy, "Optical Nonlinearities of Unusual Liquid Crystal Glasses Containing Metal, Bimetallic, and Carbon Nanoparticles," in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023 (FiO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper JM7A.21.
30) V. Rudenko, A. Tolochko, S. Bugaychuk, D. Zhulai, G. Klimusheva, G. Yaremchuk, T. Mirnaya, Y. Garbovskiy, Exploring Optical Nonlinearities of Glass Nanocomposites Made of Bimetallic Nanoparticles and Mesogenic Metal Alkanoates. Mater. Proc. 2023, 14, 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/IOCN2023-14494
29) L. Roosli, A. Parnell, S. Guevara, C. Caruth, Y. Garbovskiy, Spectral Properties of Tunable Privacy Window Films Made of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals, Eng. Proc. 2023, 31(1), 34; https://doi.org/10.3390/ASEC2022-13776
28) V. Rudenko, A. Tolochko, S. Bugaychuk, D. Zhulai, G. Klimusheva, G. Yaremchuk, T. Mirnaya, and Y. Garbovskiy, "Multifunctional Materials Made of Glass-Forming Ionic Liquid Crystals and Nanoparticles for Photonics," in Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper NoTh2E.5.
27) D. Webb, Y. Garbovskiy, Steady-State and Transient Electrical Properties of Liquid Crystal Cells. Chem. Proc. 2022, 9, 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/IOCC_2022-12147
26) D. Webb, Y. Garbovskiy, “Overlooked Ionic Phenomena Affecting the Electrical Conductivity of Liquid Crystals”, Eng. Proc. 2021, 11, 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/ASEC2021-11141
25) Y. Garbovskiy, "Electro-Optical Performance of Liquid Crystal Materials Modified by Ions and Nanoparticles," in OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021, B. Yang, F. Leo, A. Tauke-Pedretti, S. Arafin, M. Clerici, L. Caspani, L. Busse, M. Kats, J. Fan, W. Ming (Steve) Lee, D. Caplan, N. Parsons, W. Freude, C. Tremblay, D. Hillerkuss, K. Igarashi, H. Elgala, N. Guerrero Gonzalez, R. "Patty" Stabile, K. Jaeger, R. Saive, H. Aziz, and H. Tan, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper NoF2C.5. https://doi.org/10.1364/NOMA.2021.NoF2C.5
24) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Emelyanenko, A. Glushchenko, Electro-Optics of Liquid Crystals Enabled by Ferroelectric Nanoparticles:Inverse Guest-Host Effect, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, J. Kang, S. Tomasulo, I. Ilev, D. Müller, N. Litchinitser, S. Polyakov, V. Podolskiy, J. Nunn, C. Dorrer, T. Fortier, Q. Gan, and C. Saraceno, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper JTh3A.14. https://doi.org/10.1364/NOMA.2021.NoF2C.5
23) Y. Garbovskiy, Evaluating the Concentration of Ions in Liquid Crystal Cells: Hidden Factors and Useful Techniques, Proceedings 2020, 62(1), 10; https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2020062010
The 2nd International Online Conference on Crystals, November 10, 2020 – November 20, 2020 https://sciforum.net/paper/view/conference/7312
22) Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, “Electro-Optical Properties of Liquid Crystal Cells Enabled by Unconventional Alignment Layers”, in OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2020 (IPR, NP, NOMA, Networks, PVLED, PSC, SPPCom, SOF), L. Caspani, A. Tauke-Pedretti, F. Leo, and B. Yang, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper NoTh2C.5.
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
21) Y. Garbovskiy and A. Glushchenko "Electro-optics of liquid crystal cells utilizing weakly conducting polymers as electrodes and alignment layers", Proc. SPIE 10941, Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies XIV, 1094109 (1 March 2019); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2508784
20) A. Glushchenko, Y. Garbovskiy, Encapsulated Liquid Crystals Doped with Nanoparticles, 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference Nanomaterials: Application & Properties (NAP) https://doi.org/10.1109/NAP.2018.8915316
19) Y. Garbovskiy, Ion-Generating and Ion-Capturing Nanomaterials in Liquid Crystals, Proceedings, 2(14), 1122 (2018) https://doi.org/10.3390/IECC_2018-05257
18) Y. Garbovskiy, A. V. Glushchenko, "Electrically controlled birefringence: Tuning the threshold voltage of liquid crystal cells", in Liquid Crystals XXII, Iam-Choon Khoo, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10735 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2018), 1073516.
17) N. V. Kukhtarev, T. V. Kukhtareva, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, X. Zhang, J. Wang, "Photogalvanic effect for water splitting by pulsed electrolysis enhanced by magnetic fields", in Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications XII, Shizhuo Yin; Ruyan Guo, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10755 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2018), 1075504.; doi: 10.1117/12.2320702; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2320702
16) N. Kukhtarev, T. Kukhtareva, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Compact high-voltage DC/Pulsed power source, TechConnect Briefs 2018 - Advanced Materials, Volume 2, Pages 242-244 (2018).
15) O. Melnyk, Y. Garbovskiy, and A. Glushchenko, "Preparation, Electro-Optics, and Applications of Stressed Liquid Crystals," in Advanced Photonics 2017 (IPR, NOMA, Sensors, Networks, SPPCom, PS), OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper NoTh1C.3..
14) T. Mirnaya, V. Rudenko, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Tolochko, D. Zhulai, G. Klimusheva, Enhanced optical nonlinearity of the glassy composites based on of the cobalt octanoate and noble metal nanoparticles at the off-resonance excitation, 2016 IEEE 7th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL) 98-100 (2016) DOI: 10.1109/CAOL.2016.7851390
13) Y. Garbovskiy, G. Klimusheva, T. Mirnaya, "Mesomorphic glass nanocomposites made of metal alkanoates and nanoparticles as emerging nonlinear-optical materials", in Liquid Crystals XX, Iam-Choon Khoo, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9940 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2016), 99400U. (Invited paper)
12) O. Zribi, Y. Garbovskiy, and A. Glushchenko, "Ferroelectric nanoparticles tailored for electro-optical and nano-imaging applications," in Frontiers in Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper FF5B.6.
11) E. Economou, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, S. Adireddy, J. B. Willey, L. M. Malkinski, Z. Celinski, Magneto-optical properties of ferronematic colloid, Transactions on Magnetics – Conferences Vol. 50 (11), 2802204 (4 pages) (2014)
10) T. M. Cooper, A. R. Burke, D. M. Krein, R. F. Ziolo, E. Arias, I. Moggio, A. Fratini, Y. Garbovskiy and A. V. Glushchenko, Cholesteric liquid crystal glass platinum acetylides. MRS Proceedings, 1698, mrss14-1698-jj05-01 (2014). doi:10.1557/opl.2014.820.
9) O. Asmolova, R. Billmers, T. Currant, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, R. Lucente, P. Molchanov, Ultra-fast PDLC optical gate, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8621, 86210B-1- 86210B-6 (2013).
Institute of Physics
8) G. Klimusheva, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Bordyuh, A. Gridyakina, S. Bugaychuk, A. Tolochko, D. Melnik, T. Mirnaya, Nonlinear optical materials based on ionic liquid crystals and anisotropic glasses of metal alkanoate, Nonlinear Photonics (NLP), 2011 International Workshop , vol., no., pp.1-3, 6-8 Sept. 2011
7) G. Klimusheva, Y. Garbovskiy, S. Bugaychuk, A. Tolochko, D. Melnik, I. I. Tokmenko, T. Mirnaya, Nonlinear optics of electrochromic and photosensitive cells of ionic liquid crystals and mesomorphic glasses, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 541(1), 142/[380] – 151/[389] (2011).
6) G. V. Klimusheva, Y. A. Garbovskiy, A. V. Gridyakina, A. S. Tolochko, D. A. Melnik, T. A. Mirnaya, Nonlinear optical response of smectic structure glasses based on cobalt alkanoates, IEEE, International Conference on Laser & Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, 66-68 (2010).
5) S. Bugaychuk, G. Klimusheva, Y. Garbovskiy, T. Mirnaya, Fast nonlinear optical materials based on ionic liquid crystals and glasses of metal alkanoates, Nonlinear Photonics (NP) 2010 paper: NTuC13 (2010).
4) S. Bugaychuk, Y. Garbovskiy, G. Klimusheva, T. Mirnaya, Novel materials based on metal-alkanoate liquid crystals and smectic glasses for impulse dynamic holographic applications // Proceedings CAOL 2008 4th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, 120-122, (2008).
3) G. Klimusheva, Y. Garbovskiy, S. Bugaychuk, A. Bordyuh, A. Grydyakina, A. Polishchuk, T. Mirnaya, G. Yaremchuk, and A. Ishchenko, Novel holographic composites based on ionic smectic liquid crystals and glasses of metal alkanoates, Proc. SPIE, 6728, 67283F1-67283F9, (2007).
2) R. O. Arshan, G. V. Klimusheva, Y. A. Garbovskiy, S. A. Bugaychuk, Grygoruk Nonlinear-optical parameters of new materials based on ionic smectic glasses of metal alkanoates probed by z-scan technique, Proceedings of the Seventh International Young Scientists conference on applied physics, 29-30 (2007).
1) S. Bugaychuk, Y. Garbovskii, G. Klimusheva, A. Tolochko, O. Kolesnik, A. Vakhnin, T. Mirnaya, G. Yaremchuk., Nonlinear effects in ionic smectics with nano-sized dye impurities, Proc. SPIE, 6023-09, 67-72, (2005).
Z. Celinski, R. Camley, Y. Garbovskiy, A. Glushchenko, Metallic surfaces as alignment layers for nondisplay applications of liquid crystals, Patent US 8970815 B2 (Publication date: March 3, 2015).
Technical Reports
Y. Garbovskiy, Ion generation and ion trapping in liquid crystals by means of nanomaterials. https://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=50998.php 4 September 2018.|
Y. Garbovskiy, Nanotechnology and liquid crystals: How to figure out whether contaminated with ions nanoparticles can actually purify liquid crystals from ions? Materials Today. Comments. http://www.materialstoday.com/nanomaterials/comment/nanotechnology-and-liquid-crystals/ 19 April 2016.|
Y. Garbovskiy, If You Want to Purify Liquid Crystals from Ions, Always Check the Purity of Nanoparticles. Expert Reviews, InterNano http://www.internano.org/node/4408 April, 2016.
Recent Awards
2024 Highly Ranked Scholar - Prior 5 Years (Liquid Crystals)
2024 The Dean’s Outstanding Research Award
2023 Best Presentation Award – IOCN 2023
2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award – Molecular Systems Design & Engineering
2022 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll 2021-2022, Central Connecticut State University
2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award – Journal of Optics
2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award – Nanotechnology
2021 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll 2020-2021, Central Connecticut State University
2019 Publons Peer Review Award
2018 Publons Peer Review Award
2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award – Journal of Optics
2017 Crystals 2017 Best Paper Award
2016 OSA Senior Member
Recent Grants
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Uncovering Nanoparticle-Induced Ionic and Nonlinear-Optical Effects in Liquid Crystals”, 2024-2025 CSU-AAUP FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Controlling Ions in Advanced Liquid Crystal Materials Tailored to Space Applications”, NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium, 2023-2024
Y. Garbovskiy and N. Lee, M. Burnes, S. Foster, A. Saeed, S. Guevara, I. Trevino (students), “Electrical Resistivity of Molecular Liquid Crystals Containing Nanoparticles”, Faculty – Student Research Grant, Fall 2023 – Spring 2024
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Interplay between Nanomaterials and Ions in Molecular and Ionic Liquid Crystals”, 2023-2024 CSU-AAUP FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Sharing and promoting Liquid Crystal Research Conducted by Central Students and Faculty via Conference Presentations and Publications”, 2022-2023 Faculty Development Grant
Y. Garbovskiy and S. Guevara (student), “Spectral and Electro-Optical Properties of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals”, Faculty – Student Research Grant, Fall 2022 – Spring 2023
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Enhancing Topics in Physics: New Projects for a Course on Liquid Crystals”, 2022 AAUP Curriculum Development Grant
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Ions and Nanomaterials in Liquid Crystals”, 2022-2023 CSU-AAUP FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Developing a New Course on Liquid Crystals”, 2021-2022 Early Career Curriculum Development Grant
Y. Garbovskiy and D. Webb (student), “Time-Dependent Electrical Conductivity of Liquid Crystal Cells”, Faculty – Student Research Grant, Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Modeling and Measuring Ionic Phenomena in Liquid Crystal Materials”, 2021-2022 CSU-AAUP FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Bringing Undergraduate Physics Labs to Students During a Pandemic: Focus on Video Analysis”, Winter 2021 AAUP Curriculum Development Grant
Y. Garbovskiy and D. Webb (student), “Predicting Unusual Ionic Effects in Liquid Crystal Materials”, Faculty – Student Research Grant, Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
Y. Garbovskiy (PI), “Establishing a Cutting-Edge Liquid Crystal Research Lab at Central”, 2020-2021 CSU-AAUP FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT
OPTICA - Senior Member
American Physical Society - Member
Topical Editor – Applied Optics (since December 2016)
Editorial Board Member – Optics (since 2019)
Topical Advisory Panel – Crystals (since 2020)
Review Editor – Liquid Crystals (Frontiers in Soft Matter) (since 2022)
Guest Editor – Journal of Molecular Liquids (2017 - 2018)
Topics in Physics: Liquid Crystals (PHYS 490)
Independent Study in Physics (PHYS 452)
Advanced Laboratory Techniques (PHYS 450)
Modern Physics (PHYS 425)
Intermediate Lab II (PHYS 350)
Intermediate Lab I (PHYS 250)
University Physics II (PHYS 126)
University Physics I (PHYS 125)