Toro says the University is well positioned financially.
“We have been doing quite well in the area of fundraising,” she says. “Our endowment is increasing, and we are about to launch formally our comprehensive fundraising campaign.”
That campaign will include multiple goals, Toro says, including raising funds to support scholarships, additional facilities, and to increase the University endowment, currently estimated at $80 million.
Toro also will continue to meet with alumni and potential donors in selected cities throughout the United States. Thus far, Toro has visited groups in Colorado, California, and Florida, and plans to visit Atlanta, Ga., among other destinations later this spring.
Central alumni, Toro notes, are unique in their dedication to the University.
“They are very proud to have a degree from Central or to have attended Central, and they are very committed to the institution. And they would like the institution to do well and that’s why they give back. They believe it’s the right thing to do and they believe in what we do in providing individuals opportunities for higher education.”