This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
Civil Engineering Program Educational Objectives
Guided by the Mission of the University, the Civil Engineering program is committed to preparing students who will be thoughtful, responsible, and successful citizens. Within three to five years of graduation, the program expects that Civil Engineering graduates will have:
- Become competent and engaged engineering professionals, applying their technical and managerial skills in the planning, design, construction, operation or maintenance of the build environment and global infrastructure, and utilizing their skills to analyze and design systems, specify project methods and materials, perform cost estimates and analyses, and manage technical activities in support of civil engineering projects.
- Initiated an active program of life-long learning, including studies leading to professional licensure or an advanced degree in engineering, that provides for continued development of their technical abilities and management skills, and attainment of professional expertise.
- Developed their communication skills in oral, written, visual and graphic modes when working as team members or leaders, so they can actively participate in their communities and their profession.
- Established an understanding of professionalism, ethics, quality performance, public policy, safety, and sustainability that allows them to be professional leaders and contributors to society when solving engineering problems and producing civil engineering solutions.
In addition to CCSU admissions standards, admission to the undergraduate Civil Engineering (CE) and Mechanical Engineering (ME) programs requires completion of, or eligibility to enroll in, MATH 152 (Calculus I).
The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering is a program of study requiring 127-136 credits of undergraduate work, including a two-term senior project capstone requirement completed with oral and written reports. Registration to take the NCEES FE exam is required for completion of the senior project capstone course.
Required coursework can also be grouped into three categories: General Education, Major Requirements, and Additional Requirements.
For all majors a minimum grade of C- is required in all courses in the major, all additional course requirements as well as courses in Study Area IV, Skill Area I, and Skill Area II
General Education Requirements (42-49 Credits)
Study Area I: Arts and Humanities
Literature (3)
Philosophy or Fine Arts (3)
Literature, Philosophy or Fine Arts (3)
Study Area II: Social Sciences
Study Area III: Behavioral Sciences
Anthropology, Psychology, or Sociology
Study Area IV: Natural Sciences
Skill Area I: Communication Skills
WRT 110 Introduction to College Writing 3 Credits
ENGR 290 Engineering Technical Writing and Presentation 3 Credits
WRT 110: A placement exam may be required before enrolling in English or Mathematics courses.
Skill Area II: Mathematics
MATH 152: A placement exam may be required before enrolling in English or Mathematics courses.
Skill Area III: Foreign Language Proficiency
Skill Area IV: University Requirement
PE 144 College Wellness 2 Credits
or for transfer students
International Requirement
Major Requirements (64 credits, 61 for transfer students taking ENGR 150 as Skill Area IV)
ENGR 150 Introduction to Engineering 3 Credits
ENGR 240 Computational Methods for Engineering 3 Credits
ENGR 251 Engineering Mechanics I - Statics 3 Credits
ENGR 252 Engineering Mechanics II - Dynamics 3 Credits
ENGR 357 Mechanics of Materials 3 Credits
CE 222 CAD Applications in Civil Engineering 2 Credits
CE 253 Introduction to Engineering Surveying 3 Credits
CE 354 Fluid Mechanics 3 Credits
CE 356 Civil Engineering Materials 3 Credits
CE 360 Traffic Engineering 3 Credits
CE 375 Hydraulic Engineering 3 Credits
CE 376 Environmental Engineering 3 Credits
CE 407 Structural Analysis II 3 Credits
CE 451 Soil Mechanics 3 Credits
CE 452 Foundation Engineering 3 Credits
CE 460 Highway Design and Construction 3 Credits
CE 397 Structural Analysis I 3 Credits
CE 470 Structural Steel Design 3 Credits
CE 471 Reinforced Concrete Design 3 Credits
CE 475 Hydrology & Storm Drainage 3 Credits
CE 497 CE Professional Practice and Senior Project Research 2 Credits
CE 498 Civil Engineering Senior Design Project (Capstone) 3 Credits
CE 498: Completion of CE 498 requires that students take the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam.
Additional Requirements
22 credits
CHEM 161 General Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 162 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit
MATH 226 Linear Algebra and Probability for Engineers 4 Credits
MATH 355 Introduction to Differential Equations with Applications 4 Credits
CE Directed Technical Electives - 6 credits
Four credits from the following:
BIO or BMS or GSCI Additional Science Elective w/ Lab.
Additional Requirements CE Directed Technical Electives (6 credits) include:
CE 357 Advanced Surveying 3 Credits
CE 402 Inquiry and Research in Civil Engineering 1 Credit
CE 458 Introduction to GPS for Engineering 3 Credits
CE 472 Timber Structures 3 Credits
CE 473 Reinforced Concrete Design II 3 Credits
CE 474 Prestressed Concrete Design 3 Credits
CE 477 Environmental Engineering Treatment Processes 3 Credits
CE 490 NCEES Fundamental Civil Engineering Subjects 2 Credits