This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
Program Rationale:
The Sixth-Year Certificate in Reading and Language Arts is an advanced degree program with several options for educators. One option includes coursework required for endorsement in Remedial Reading & Remedial Language Arts (#102) and/or endorsement as a Reading and Language Arts Consultant (#097) in the State of Connecticut. Another option is for educators who are not interested in these endorsements.
The candidate's planned program of graduate study is developed by the candidate and the program advisor. Course requirements will be based on the candidate's needs in terms of fulfilling professional and personal goals. A minimum of 15 credits of 600-level courses is required for the Sixth-Year certificate.
Program Learning Outcomes:
The Sixth-Year Certificate in Reading and Language Arts program is aligned with the standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals 2017 of the International Literacy Association (ILA). In order to prepare knowledgeable and competent literacy professionals candidates in the program are expected to:
- meet the ILA 2017 standards and/or the Connecticut state standards for advanced certifications in reading and language arts;
- provide leadership through modeling and mentoring to ensure that classroom teachers and other support staff acquire a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to facilitate their reading and writing instruction;
- be knowledgeable of various assessments appropriate for a wide range of diversity in the classroom, and able to mentor and support classroom teachers and other professionals in the selection, administration, and interpretation of assessments to enhance student learning and to communicate results to education stakeholders;
- support and mentor classroom teachers and other professionals in creating a literate environment to facilitate successful reading and writing for all children; and
- continue to be lifelong learners and scholars, through reading, research, and professional development, and leaders in planning and implementing professional development programs for teachers and other professionals, as well as in advocating to advance the professional research base to expand knowledge-based practices.
Admission Requirements:
Applicants must hold a Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education, and a Master's Degree in Reading or Education or a related field from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with a minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 point scale. A minimum of one year teaching experience is preferred.
To apply to the Sixth-year Certificate in Reading and Language Arts a candidate must submit an application for graduate admissions, official transcripts, and application fee to the CCSU Recruitment and Admissions Office.
Additional Materials Required:
A candidate must also submit a copy of his/her teaching certificate with the application for graduate admission. Instructions for uploading the certificate will be found within the online graduate application.
Course and Capstone Requirements:
Remedial Reading/Language Arts (102) and /or Reading/Language Arts Consultant (097) Certification Track
The candidate's planned program of study is a minimum of 30 credits and must include the following:
LLA 603 Multicultural Literature in the Classroom 3 Credits
LLA 614 Diagnosis and Intervention of Reading and Language Arts Difficulties I 3 Credits
LLA 616 Diagnosis and Intervention of Reading and Language Arts Difficulties II 3 Credits
LLA 618 Clinical Practices in Literacy and Language Arts 6 Credits
LLA 620 Research Seminar 3 Credits
LLA 624 Practicum for Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach I 3 Credits
LLA 626 Practicum for Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach II 3 Credits
Required prerequisites:
LLA 502 Developmental Reading in PreK-12 3 Credits
LLA 504 Language Arts for First and Second Language Speakers 2 Credits
A candidate may need to complete additional coursework for his/her planned program of study and therefore may exceed the minimum of 30 credits.
Sixth-Year Certificate in Reading and Language Arts Non-Certification Track
The candidate's planned program of study is a minimum of 30 credits.
LLA 502 Developmental Reading in PreK-12 3 Credits
LLA 504 Language Arts for First and Second Language Speakers 2 Credits
LLA 506 Decoding and Spelling Instruction 1 Credit
Remaining Credits:
Remaining credits will be chosen in consultation with advisor. A minimum of 12 credits must be at the 600 level.
Area of Specialization (15-18 credits)