Student Grade Point Average Tools

This section is provided to help you predict your future GPA. These tools do not receive data from your Central records and calculations are based only upon the data that you provide. No information from this section should be considered official.

Note: If you repeat a course you must use the Adjusted GPA (AGPA) Calculator at the bottom of the page to compute your GPA. See the AGPA instructions for directions.

These tools are supplied for your convenience. The only official record of your GPA is your Central transcript. Be sure to discuss any issues regarding your academic progress with your advisor.


First, answer the following questions:

  1. Enter Your Current Cumulative GPA:
  2. Your Total Number of Attempted Credit Hours Completed to Date (not including current hours) :


Once you have entered the information above, you may use any of these tools.

How will the grades that I anticipate receiving in the courses I am now taking affect my overall GPA?

Enter the credit hours and expected grade for (up to six) courses that you are presently taking below and press CALCULATE to find your predicted new cumulative GPA at the end of this term.

Course 1:

Credit Hours
And your anticipated grade:

Course 2:

Credit Hours
And your anticipated grade:

Course 3:

Credit Hours
And your anticipated grade:

Course 4:

Credit Hours
And your anticipated grade:

Course 5:

Credit Hours
And your anticipated grade:

Course 6:

Credit Hours
And your anticipated grade:

What will it take and how many credit hours will I need to raise my GPA to a new specified level?

I would like to raise my cumulative GPA to  

If I can maintain a average from now on

What grade average do I need to achieve this term to raise my cumulative GPA to a new specified level?

I am currently taking credit hours.

If I want to raise my cumulative GPA to at the end of this term,



Repeat Course Adjusted GPA Calculator

This tool will help you determine the effect of retaking a course. Be sure to review the Central Course Repeat Policy and discuss it with your advisor before deciding to repeat a course.

Computing Your Adjusted GPA:

  • Enter your Current Cumulative GPA and Current Credit Hours (do not include hours from courses currently in progress)
  • Enter the credit hours for your repeated course (only ONE course)
  • Enter the original course grade and then your expected new course grade
  • Press "Calculate" find your Adjusted GPA.

Computing Your Adjusted GPA for Multiple Courses

  • Follow the above instructions for Computing Your Adjusted GPA for your first repeated course.
  • Write down the Adjusted GPA for your first course.
  • Replace the "Current GPA" field with your new Adjusted GPA. Do NOT change your Current Credit Hours.
  • Now enter the original and repeated grade for the second course and press "Calculate."
  • If needed, repeat these steps for any additional repeated courses.

Adjusted GPA (AGPA) Calculator

Current Cumulative GPA

Current Attempted Credit Hours

Repeated Course Credit Hours (ONE CLASS ONLY)

Previous Grade

Expected New Grade