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Program Details

Language Requirement: None

Language of Instruction: English

Required GPA: 2.75

Term: Fall, Spring, Full-Year

Program: Undergraduate and Graduate

Application Deadline: Fall - March 15th, Spring - October 15th

Program Costs

Housing: Pay partner university. Living on campus or can find own off-campus accommodation. $700 to live on campus.

Meal: Pay partner university for meal plan. Approx. $168 per month

Tuition Fee Calculator 


Zongxiang Mei

Global Engagement and  Interdisciplinary Education
Barnard Hall, Room 406
860 832 2043

Rahul Singhal, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
Copernicus Hall, Room 521

Contact Information

Zongxiang Mei
Center for International Education
Chaihyung Christine Park
Course Abroad Program Associate
Center for International Education

Chaudhary Charan Singh University

Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India

Partner University Website


Chaudhary Charan Singh University (formerly, Meerut University) was established in 1965, to cater to the needs of higher education in western Uttar Pradesh. Presently, it is one of the premier educational institutions of the country encompassing a beautiful campus that covers over 222 acres of land. The University also has a separate engineering college, which is currently offering courses leading to B.Tech degrees in several different branches of engineering. Each year, the university is ranked within the top 40 universities of the country and maintains this ranking by employing a dedicated staff, offering a variety of activities, and providing students with a balanced community experience.