Course Abroad Catalog

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Application Deadline

April 25

Program Dates

5-week program, June 23 - July 25




$3,507 including tuition, housing and meals

$2,218 tuition only 

Students pay for tuition and housing directly to the University of Salamanca. Students are responsible for airfare, meals, and spending money. Updates on scholarships, fees, and tuition pricing are located on the University of Salamanca website.

Contact Information

Zongxiang Mei
International Education Coordinator
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
AAAPI Center Executive Board
Clarence Carroll Hall
Chaihyung Christine Park
Course Abroad Program Associate
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
Clarence Carroll Hall

Salamanca, Spain

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Salamanca, Spain

Inter-University MA in Spanish

This degree program is designed to provide Spanish graduate students in general and current in-service teachers of Spanish in particular with graduate-level coursework in Spanish language, and Hispanic literature and cultures.

The unique conception of this degree will offer students the opportunity to use the academic resources of two universities --Central Connecticut State and Salamanca--, and the advantage of exchanging ideas with Spanish teachers and students from 5 other universities in the United States which, like Central, are part of a very exclusive Inter-University consortium.

Students enrolled in this program will take 9 credits in residence at the University of Salamanca during five weeks in the summer (typically July + 1 week in August) and 21 credits at Central in the Department of Modern Languages.

During their stay in Spain, participants will live in single rooms in student residence halls at the University of Salamanca, thus experiencing Spanish culture and student life firsthand.

Living and studying in a Spanish-speaking country while completing graduate degree requirements will yield enormous linguistic and cultural benefits for the students.