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Program Details

Language Requirement: Some German language instruction recommended.

Language of Instruction: German, English

Required GPA: 3.0

Term: Fall, Spring, or Full Year

Program Costs

Students pay regular tuition to Central. See this link for more information. Room and board costs will be paid on-site in Germany.

A one time fee is required and paid to UCONN.


Zongxiang Mei

International Education Coordinator
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
Barnard Hall, Room 406
860 832 2043

Paul Resetarits

Manufacturing & Construction Management

Copernicus Hall 2121000

860 832 1834

Contact Information

Zongxiang Mei
International Education Coordinator
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
AAAPI Center Executive Board
Clarence Carroll Hall
Chaihyung Christine Park
Course Abroad Program Associate
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
Clarence Carroll Hall

University of Konstanz

Konstanz, Germany

Partner University WebsiteArrow


The University of Konstanz teaches about 40 different subjects in the fields of science, economics, politics, and the humanities. The largest program of study in Konstanz is political science/public administration. The university campus is housed in ultra-modern structures in close proximity to each other.

The University of Konstanz has more than 11,000 students from over 90 countries, making it the perfect place to experience more than one culture by trying new foods, speaking new languages, and making lifelong friendships. The town of Konstanz lies on the shores of Lake Konstanz (Bodensee), giving the university beautiful views of the Alps and the lake. Weekends at this university can be filled with new adventures in Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria with their cross-border leisure opportunities!

Looking to get involved on campus? With multiple sports being offered, Konstanz offers a rock climbing tower, sports hall, high ropes course, pool, a water sports area, and more for students to try! Along with multiple clubs to fit everyone's interests!

Academic Subjects

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
School of Science
School of Business


Pay partner university
$803 Housing Deposit
$300-$600 Per Month