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Program Details

Language Requirement: Some German language instruction recommended.

Language of Instruction: German, English

Required GPA: 3.0

Term: Fall, Spring, or Full Year

Program Costs

Students pay regular tuition to Central. See this link for more information. Room and board costs will be paid on-site in Germany. Housing: Pay partner University $278-$385 Meal: Grocery approx. $300 a month. Fee to UCONN $650.

A one time fee is required and paid to UCONN.


Zongxiang Mei

International Education Coordinator
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
Barnard Hall, Room 406
860 832 2043

Paul Resetarits

Manufacturing & Construction Management

Copernicus Hall 2121000

860 832 1834

Contact Information

Zongxiang Mei
International Education Coordinator
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
Clarence Carroll Hall
Chaihyung Christine Park
Course Abroad Program Associate
Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education
Clarence Carroll Hall

University of Stuttgart

Stuttgart, Germany

Partner University Website


Located in the capital of Baden-Württemberg, the University of Stuttgart originated in 1829 as a school of commerce and trade and was elevated to a full university in 1967. The University of Stuttgart is highly regarded in all branches of engineering and has an especially strong profile in the natural sciences and mathematics. With over 5 million inhabitants, the greater Stuttgart Metropolitan Region is the fourth-biggest in Germany.

From growing urban gardens for sustainable food supplies to the impactful involvement projects, The University of Stuttgart is striving for a cleaner tomorrow that their students can thrive in. Stay motivated with the 100 sports-related courses they offer or by joining one of the many clubs you can find in the student union!

The city of Stuttgart is one of the most attractive cities for studying in Germany! Filled with museums, historic landmarks, and vibrant nightlife to keep you busy!

Academic Subjects

Biology, Biomolecular Sciences, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, English, German Language and Culture, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Sociology

Students may follow an intensive language course (20 hours per week) in the Deutsch als Fremdsprache program (DaF) during their first semester.


Students will be housed in a student dormitory. Dormitory room reservations will be made by the international office or Auslandsamt of the host university.