The Sabbatical Leave Committee is responsible for reviewing all applications submitted by SUOAF/AFSCME members who desire a leave for either six months at full-pay or a year at half-pay. The committee will only review applications of members whose length of service to the university has been six years or more. In addition, members may apply for additional sabbatical leave as long as the leave was taken no less than six years prior. Eligibility for a sabbatical leave is awarded on the basis of merit and for the benefit of the institution. After full review of the application package, the committee will forward any recommendation to the University President, who has the final decision.
Workshop guidelines are provided by Academic Affairs each semester. An application must be completed by the interested member.
SUOAF Sabbatical Leave Committee
Lisa Marie Bigelow, Chapter President, ‘23
Cristina Higham, ‘24
Ann Contrata, ‘24
Sarah Horrax, '25
Jennifer Lentino, '25
There is still one open slot for a term expiring in ‘24.
Sabbatic Leave Proposal Archive
Douglas Benoit
Elaine Wilson
Mary Horan
Molly McCarthy
Richard Bishop
Toyin Ayeni
Mary Eberhardt
Amy Kullgren