Registering for Services and Accommodations

Welcome to the Office of Accessibility Services At Central Connecticut State University. We are committed to providing qualified students with disabilities the necessary academic adjustments and accommodations to ensure equal access to programs, services, and activities. Should a student have an immediate accessibility need, they should contact the office directly. Otherwise, students should follow the steps below to register for services and accommodations:

Step 1 of 3, Intake Form: Students need to follow the Accommodate Intake link to complete and submit our accommodation request form. Students will need their Central student ID number to complete this form.

Step 2 of 3, Documentation: OAS requests students and physicians/clinicians work together to verify disabilities. Follow this link to our Medical Verification form to download it and fill out your portion before you provide it to your doctor. Documentation of a disability is necessary to process a request for an accommodation. Documentation will depend on the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested.

Documentation Guidelines

General examples:

Students with chronic physical or mental health related disabilities require verification of disabilities from a practitioner with diagnosis/diagnoses, functional limitations and other background information. Follow this link to our Medical Verification form.

Students with vision or hearing loss may need documentation from the appropriate practitioner, again with functional limitations indicated. Follow this link to our Medical Verification form.

Students with learning disabilities require an evaluative/diagnostic record such as a psycho-educational evaluation or a neuropsychological evaluation.

Students requesting housing accommodations of any kind will need to follow this link to download and complete our Housing Accommodation Request Application.

Step 3 of 3, Intake Interview: After the above-mentioned forms are completed, and documentation is collected, students should contact OAS at 860-832-1952, email, or stop by the office to schedule a confidential intake interview and documentation review with an OAS staff member. This intake meeting usually lasts no more than one hour.

Approved Accommodations: Frequently, accommodations are approved at the intake meeting. However, in some instances, OAS will need time to further gather documentation or evaluate the requested accommodations. It is our goal to process requests for accommodations in a timely manner, but documentation review and peak semester times may slow the process down. Please consider this when seeking accommodations and submit your requests as early as possible. Students will be notified if an accommodation is denied and it is recommended to discuss concerns with the Director of Accessibility Services.

When accommodations are approved, OAS will generate letters of accommodation to the student and respective faculty members via campus email. Students are responsible to review letters of accommodation with their professors during office hours early in the semester to ensure mutual understanding. When meeting with professors, students should be prepared to clearly communicate their needs in relation to the specific accommodations they have been granted. Should there be any misunderstanding or concerns, students are responsible for contacting the Director of Office of Accessibility Services as soon as possible to discuss accommodations. Students receiving other campus accommodations will receive confirmation of the arrangements through their Central email.

Students are encouraged to contact the OAS office if they have questions about the above procedure, need accessible formats of forms, or need accessibility assistance immediately.

Accessibility Services
Willard-DiLoreto Hall, Room W 201