Roman Catholic Community: Father Michael Casey, Central Catholic Chaplain, can be reached at fr.casey@stfranciscatholic.org. All events and announcements for services can be found at stfranciscatholic.org. Phone number for St. Francis of Assisi Parish is 860.225.6449.
Protestant Community: Dr. Felton Best, the Protestant Faith Consultant, can be reached by email at BestF@mail.ccsu.edu.
Jewish Community: Steven Bernstein, associate librarian at Elihu Burritt Library, serves as campus advisor. He can be reached at 860.832.2079 or bernsteinstj@ccsu.edu.
The Islamic Community: Imam Qasim Sharief is not on campus full time, but is here to service the Central Islamic community. Our on-campus advisor is Dr. Nidal Al-Masoud, who can be reached at 860.832.1825 or almasoudn@ccsu.edu