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These scholarships are made available through the generous contributions of each donor for current Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students or past participants of the Connecticut Collegiate Awareness and Preparation (ConnCAP) program. Applicants must meet the criteria as outlined for scholarship consideration.
Criteria of eligibility for the scholarships listed below:
This scholarship will be awarded to a student who is a member of the Black Student Union (BSU).
This scholarship will be awarded to either a full-time or part-time matriculated student who submits evidence of demonstrated leadership and have provided service to Central, earned a minimum of twenty-four (24) credits, and a minimum cumulative grade point average of a 2.8.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a returning EOP Sophomore, Junior, and Senior who have the highest Cumulative Grade Point Average at the end of the Spring semester.
This scholarship will be awarded to students in the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) and other high-achieving students.
This scholarship will be awarded to a student who has, or students who have, earned a bachelor’s degree from Central, and has successfully completed either the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) or the Connecticut Collegiate Awareness and Preparation (ConnCAP) program. These programs are aimed at providing educational opportunity to economically disadvantaged or educationally underprivileged students. The recipient(s) must be a matriculated degree seeking student(s) that’s enrolled in a graduate degree program leading to a master’s degree. Should there be no eligible graduate student(s), a junior or senior at the undergraduate level will be considered.
This scholarship will be awarded to a student who is a member of the Latin American Student Organization (LASO).
This scholarship will be awarded to a Latino student from New Britain.
This scholarship will be awarded to sociology major.
This scholarship will be awarded to students in the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) who is in good academic and disciplinary standing.