Contact Information

Elihu Burritt Library - 3rd Floor

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. -5 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

John Day Tully
Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Graduate Studies
Lawrence J. Davidson Hall
Jennifer Nicoletti
Instructional Design & Distance Learning Development
Center for Teaching and Innovation
Elihu Burritt Library


The Center for Teaching and Innovation is a vibrant member of the campus community that serves as a catalyst for classroom innovation that promotes student and faculty success.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Center for Teaching and Innovation is to provide the instructional and administrative faculty of Central Connecticut State University with a comprehensive development center that combines the opportunity to engage with new and novel pedagogies with the highest level of instructional design technological support needed to stay on the cutting-edge of pedagogical development. We are strongly committed to: assisting faculty with the successful integration of technology, providing an environment to engage in new and novel pedagogies or refine tried and true techniques, offering the opportunity for continuous growth and development in the delivery of course content in a supportive and encouraging environment.