Office of the Dean

Dr. Andreas Mueller, Interim Dean -

Courtney Rehmer, Administrative Assistant– 860.832.2604

Dr. Kate McGrath, Associate Dean for Planning and Resources – 860.832.2829

  • Scheduling Classes
  • Faculty Load Reports
  • Budget Reports
  • Research Reassigned Time
  • Appointment Forms
  • Academic Standards Committee
  • Information Technology Committee
  • Independent Studies and Internships
  • Graduate Capstones
  • Probation and Dismissals
  • Faculty Advising Workshop
  • Admitted Students Day and Open Houses
  • Central Teacher Education Network (CTEN)

Dr. Elizabeth Throesch, Associate Dean for Student Academic Success – 860.832.0104

  • Foreign Language Waivers
  • Grade Changes over a Year
  • Substitutions for Programs and CLASS Areas of General Education
  • Credit Overloads
  • Double Majors
  • CLASS BGS Majors
  • Special Studies
  • University and Retroactive Withdrawals
  • Academic Advising Committee
  • Probation and Dismissals
  • Readmissions on Probation
  • Academic Assessment and Program Review
  • Faculty Advising Workshop
  • Admitted Students Day and Open Houses

Dr. Carolyne Soper, Ammon College Leadership Fellow – 860.832.2731

  • Academic Assessment
  • ​External Program Review
  • Community Engagement Liaison