Guidance and Regulations
For Family, Friends, and Visitors at Commencement/Graduation on December 14, 2024
- Lines are common, please plan approximately 30 minutes to gain entrance to the event.
- Anyone planning to attend the commencement ceremonies must have a Commencement Ticket.
- No book bags are permitted inside the venue.
- Anyone carry a pocketbook will be required to have it open for inspection.
- Only clear water bottles are permitted.
- Flowers and bouquets are permitted.
- No signs larger than 8 ½ x 11 (Letter Size)
- No Posters
- No noise makers / megaphones
- No Body Flags or Banners
- No Backpacks
- No floats/ballons/beachballs
- No Drinking containers other than clear water bottles
- No coolers
- No smoking or vaping
- No interruptions or disruptions
Please note that an individual or group activity that interrupts or disrupts the normal progression of the ceremonies is not permitted and is in violation of the student code of conduct and System Office policy. Individuals violating these rules may be subject to disciplinary action, including up to expulsion from the University. These individuals may also be subject to arrest for criminal trespass, pursuant to Connecticut General Statue 53A-107 Criminal Trespass. Additionally, any individual who is in violation of these rules may immediately be removed from the event.
No firearms, weapons or alcoholic beverages are permitted on the premises.