A partnership between Central Connecticut State University (Central), Manchester Community College (MCC), and Tunxis Community College (TCC)

Central New Logo in Blue
Manchester Community College Logo
Tunxis Community College Logo

Funded by NSF S-STEM awards DUE-0630953, DUE-1060352, and DUE-1742034

NSF Logo

Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics (CSMP) Scholarship Program of Central Connecticut

CSMP scholarship program is accepting new applications for single-year nonrenewable awards only for Spring and Fall 2025. 

All application materials must be received by January 1, 2025.

In the fall semester of 2018, Central Connecticut State University (Central), Manchester Community College (MCC), and Tunxis Community College (TCC) started offering scholarships to qualified students enrolled in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics (CSMP) programs. These scholarships are funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) program Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM), awards DUE-0630953, DUE-1060352, and DUE-1742034. This scholarship program was selected for funding from over 500 proposals. Funding for this NSF grant demonstrates the quality of CSMP programs at Central, MCC, and TCC.

Every year, our program will award up to 20 new scholarships. Qualified students majoring in computer science, mathematics or physics disciplines will receive up to $10,000 per academic year. Each scholarship can be renewed for the subsequent year. Therefore, qualified students can receive up to $40,000 during four years of study through this program.

Our scholarship program has a number of special features designed to help students succeed in their studies and prepare them for entering high-tech employment fields or a graduate school upon graduation. These features include:

  • Individual mentoring and advising by dedicated faculty
  • Specialized tutoring
  • Peer mentoring
  • Participation in research projects
  • Field trips
  • Guest lectures by leaders of industry and research
  • Internships with leading employers
  • Career opportunities in high demand fields
  • Assistance with job placement upon graduation

Underrepresented minorities and female students are very strongly encouraged to apply.