CTEN Partnership Subcommittee
This group will meet regularly to support the development of productive preK-12 and Central partnerships that foster the simultaneous renewal of teacher education and the public schools; promote development of and access to high-quality field placements for teacher candidates; foster inquiry that supports the shared vision for teacher education and school renewal; and support the continual professional development required to enable schools to meet the needs of all students.
Leah Scharfengerger
Melissa Gunter
Cara Mulcahy
Kurt Love
Barbara Budaj (Dean’s Representative)
CTEN Assessment Subcommittee
This group will meet regularly to facilitate the ongoing review within and across Central teacher education programs; coordinate the ongoing assessment of initial teacher certification programs, teacher candidates, and program graduates; monitor student progress, and contribute as needed to the accreditation of teacher education programs.
Tan Leng Goh (Chair)
Jeff Thomas
Michael Bartone
Carol Ciotto (Dean’s Representative)
Helen Abadiano (Dean’s Representative)
CTEN Appeals and Student Support Subcommittee
This group makes recommendations on student appeals of teacher education program decisions on admission, retention, and program completion to the School of Education dean. Appeals will be conducted in accordance with the appeals policy
Jim DeLaura
Aimee Loiselle
Donna DeCarlo (Dean’s Representative)
CTEN Policy and Advocacy Subcommittee
This group will meet regularly to review and revise university policies impacting graduate and undergraduate students; and stay abreast of state legislation impacting teacher education.
Amanda Greenwell (Chair)
Rocio Fuentes
Jesse Turner
Joss French
Carol Ciotto (Dean’s Representative)