Martha Kruy
Martha Kruy
Reference, Instruction, & Assessment Librarian
Marie Kulesza
Marie Kulesza
Accounting (Academic)
Amy Kullgren
Amy Kullgren
Director of Client Services
Information Technology
Stan Kurkovsky
Computer Science
Michelle Kusaila
Michelle Kusaila
Associate Professor
Accounting (Academic)
Ohjin Kwon
Ohjin Kwon
Associate Professor
Tyler Kynn
Tyler Kynn
Assistant Professor
Chester Labedz
Professor Emeritus
Management & Organization
Marianne Labergerie
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Bonnie Lachance
Secretary II
Computer Science
Tracey LaFrazier
Tracey LaFrazier
Processing Technician
Student Center

Contact Information

1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050

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