Contact Information
Maria B. Mongillo
Associate Professor/Coordinator, Sixth Year Program
All prospective administrators enrolled in Connecticut administrator preparation programs seeking a recommendation for the Initial Educator Certification for Intermediate Administration or Supervision (#092) must pass the Connecticut Administrator Test (CAT) in order to be eligible for certification.
In October 2018, the assessment changed. Whereas, the former CAT exam was a 4-module series of scenario-based, open-ended prompts, the present version of the CAT is a 120-item multiple choice exam. Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers this assessment.
All students in the 6th-Year Degree Program in Educational Leadership will have dedicated time in EDL 610 School Leadership I to review for this assessment, though all program coursework builds the leadership competencies and skills needed for success on the CAT exam. Further, you can find test preparation materials from ETS here: https://www.ets.org/sls/resources/connecticut-administrator-test-prep.html
The ETS-generated bulletin about the CAT exam (ETS Test #6412) can be found here: https://www.ets.org/pdfs/sls/6412.pdf. This bulletin is an invaluable resource for students looking to familiarize themselves with this assessment. Further, the bulletin contains a 30-item practice test that helps students review both content and structure of items on the actual test. The bulletin also outlines the standards from which the assessment was created. The 6th-Year Degree Program in Educational Leadership at Central is aligned to these and other standards of national significance for educational leaders.
We recommend that students wait until after their review of the assessment in EDL 610 School Leadership I to register for the test. However, ultimately, when to take the CAT exam is a professional decision each student will need to consider.
To register for the CAT exam, please go to this ETS webpage: https://www.ets.org/sls/register/.