Tuition & Aid Scholarship Information Americorps SNAP Instructions
Merit Scholarships for the 2025-2026 award year will be awarded to incoming first year students as follows:
GPA | Merit Award Amount |
4.0 - 3.80 | $3,500 |
3.79 - 3.30 | $2,500 |
3.29 - 3.00 | $2,000 |
2.99 - 2.70 | $1,500 |
2.69 - 2.50 | $1,000 |
You can learn more about the University's scholarships by visiting www.ccsu.edu/scholarships and www.ccsu.edu/csmp (for Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics Majors).
A variety of Graduate/Professional student scholarships are available by visiting www.ccsu.edu/grad/resources/scholarships.
NOTE: In order to apply for these scholarships, you must be an accepted for admission as a matriculated student at Central. A Central BlueNet username and password is required to complete the application.
Undocumented Students...Scholarships Specifically for YOU are available
The Connecticut Students for A Dream (C4D), a program separate from Central, has support resources available for you. C4D is a youth-led network located in Hartford, Connecticut that helps to support the rights of immigrants and their families. Click on the link below to be directed to C4D's Scholarship Resources page. Once opened, click on "Scholarship List" to view the Excel spreadsheet that contains over a hundred scholarships that you may apply for.
You will also find on C4D's Scholarship Resource page additional tips that will help you plan, organize, and track your scholarships. As a guide, C4D also includes an exemplary scholarship essay that a student wrote and was awarded $1,000.
Estudiantes Indocumentados...Hay becas disponibles específicamente para TI
Connecticut Students for A Dream (C4D), un programa separado de la universidad Central, tiene recursos de apoyo disponibles para ti. C4D es una red ubicada en Hartford, Connecticut dirigida por jóvenes como apoyo a los derechos de los inmigrantes y sus familias. Presione en el enlace a continuación para ser dirigido a la página de Recursos de Becas de C4D. Una vez abierta, presione en "Scholarship List" (Lista de Becas) para ver la hoja de Excel que contiene más de cien becas que puede solicitar.
También encontrará en la página de Recursos de Becas de C4D consejos adicionales que le ayudarán a planificar, organizar, y realizar seguimiento de sus solicitudes. Como guía, C4D también muestra un ensayo de beca que un estudiante escribió y recibió $1,000.
Private scholarships funds provided by donors outside the University.
The internet is one of the best ways to identify private scholarship opportunities. Free scholarship search services are compiled on www.finaid.org.
Nearly every town or city has service organizations that offer college students financial assistance. Find out from the various organizations in the community if they have scholarships available.
If you receive a scholarship from a group or individual, inform them of your gratitude and your progress. A letter of thanks goes far toward encouraging renewal of these awards.
Students are required to report all private scholarships they expect to receive to the Financial Aid Office.
State of Connecticut: This is the primary website of the State of Connecticut listing available financial aid resources. It is comprehensive including scholarships and resources for all students - dislocated, graduate, tuition assistance, specific occupations, sports participation, veterans, students with disabilities, and community organizations and non-profit foundations.
Other Scholarships Search site:Fast Web