Attendance at the Faculty Senate Community Engagement Committee meetings are open to all current Central students, faculty, administrators, and employees. Membership can be attained in either of two ways: 1) by nomination or self-nomination in response to the annual call for nominations by the Elections Committee of the Faculty Senate each spring, or (2) by submitting a request for membership to the Chair of the Community Engagement Committee. Members who join the committee through the annual election process receive immediate voting privileges; those who join by submitting written requests will be vested with voting privileges after 30 days on the Faculty Senate Community Engagement Committee membership roster. The term of membership is one academic year, and there is no limit to the number of years a member may serve, nor is there a limit to the number of members who may serve on the Committee. Once the academic year begins the Chair of the Community Engagement Committee is responsible for keeping membership records and is responsible for informing the Senate President monthly of any additions or subtractions from the initial membership of that academic year.
Co-Chairs: Matthew Martin (PEHP) & Catherine Thomas (Nursing)
Secretary: Allison Seifert (PEHP)
Last Name | First Name | Department | |
Abigail | Adams | Adams@ccsu.edu | Anthropology |
Ayotte | Kate | kateayotte@ccsu.edu | LearningCtr |
Bailesteanu | Mihai | mihaib@my.ccsu.edu | Student |
Brathwaite | Gwen | Brathwaite@ccsu.edu | FacMgt |
Broyld | Daniel | d.broyld@ccsu.edu | History |
Clapp | Sharon | sclapp@ccsu.edu | Library |
Crespi | Cheryl | crespi@ccsu.edu | Accounting Academic |
Cubellis | Michelle | macubellis@ccsu.edu | Criminology & Criminal Justice |
Del Ama | Jose | delamaj@ccsu.edu | Communication |
Dischino | Michele | Dischinomic@ccsu.edu | Technology & Engineering Education |
Dlugolenski | Eric | edlugolenski@ccsu.edu | Criminology & Criminal Justice |
Efremoff | Theodore | tefremoff@ccsu.edu | Art |
Elissaint | Stephanie | selissaint@my.ccsu.edu | Student |
French | James | frenchjaj@ccsu.edu | Lit El Ed Chld Ed |
Gagnon | Amy | agagnon@ccsu.edu | Physical Education Human Performance |
Ghiloni-Wage | Beth | bethghiloniwage@ccsu.edu | Marketing |
Goh | Tan Leng | t.goh@ccsu.edu | Physical Education Human Performance |
Hanford | Dana | hanfordd@ccsu.edu | Library |
Hernandez | Jessica | jessica.hernandez@ccsu.edu | Academic Affairs |
Jarrett | Jeremiah | jarrettj@ccsu.edu | Engineering, Science, and Technology |
Kling | Eben | ebenkling@ccsu.edu | Art |
Kruy | Martha | mkruy@ccsu.edu | Library |
Kulesza | Marie | kulesza_mag@ccsu.edu | Accounting Academic |
Larsen | Kristine | Larsen@ccsu.edu | Geological Sciences |
Leon | Joanne | leonj@ccsu.edu | Social Work |
Levchak | Charisse | cclevchak@ccsu.edu | Sociology |
Martin | Matthew | matthew.martin@ccsu.edu | Physical Education Human Performance |
Martin | Vivian | MartinV@ccsu.edu | Journalism |
McKelvey | Michele | mmckelvey@ccsu.edu | Nursing |
Minor | Laura | lauraminor@ccsu.edu | Liberal Arts & Social Sciences |
Mitrano | John | MitranoJ@ccsu.edu | Sociology |
Osoba | Brian | osobabrj@ccsu.edu | Economics |
Palombizio | April | apalombizio@ccsu.edu | Student Wellness |
Parady | Kelli | kparady@my.ccsu.edu | Student |
Petkova | Olga | PetkovaO@ccsu.edu | Emeritus |
Rahman | Mohammad | rahman@ccsu.edu | MfgConstMgt |
Rein | Thomas | rein@ccsu.edu | Anthropology |
Rodriguez | Carlos | rodriguezc@ccsu.edu | Accounting Academic |
Rojas | Reinaldo | reinaldo.rojas@ccsu.edu | Social Work |
Rosete | Alfredo | arosete@ccsu.edu | Economics |
Schnobrich-Davis | Julie | j.schnobrichdavis@ccsu.edu | Criminology & Criminal Justice |
Seifert Gonzales | Allison | allison.seifert@ccsu.edu | Physical Education Human Performance |
Simmons | Reginald | simmonsred@ccsu.edu | Criminology & Criminal Justice |
Small | Ivan | ivansmall@ccsu.edu | Anthropology |
Smith | Robbin | smithr@ccsu.edu | Political Science |
Sohn | Youngseon | ymsohn@ccsu.edu | Engineering |
Soper | Carolyne | soperc@ccsu.edu | Economics |
Stookey | Sarah | stookeysab@ccsu.edu | Management & Organization |
Thomas | Catherine | csthomas@ccsu.edu | Nursing |
Vickrey | Renata | VickreyR@ccsu.edu | Library |
Wei | Fu-Shang | fushang.wei@ccsu.edu | Engineering |