Independent Studies are a great way to explore a topic in depth, working one-on-one with a professor in the department. The course is listed as GEOG 469 (Readings in Geography) and is geared to Geography students and Tourism and Hospitality students, although it is open to students from any major at Central. This course works well for students who want to learn more about a topic that they were exposed to during a course and students who have an academic interest that is outside the offered courses. This course is self-paced and reflects the interest and timeline of the student. It is meant to supplement your knowledge and is offered on an on-demand basis during Fall and Spring semesters.
If you are interested in registering for an Independent Study, you should first contact a professor with whom you want to work. During the meeting, you will discuss the topic that you propose and speak about the expectations for the course. The Independent Study Course Registration form (located here) must be completed and be signed by you, the faculty member, and the department chair. This will be sent to the Dean's office for approval and once approved the university will register you automatically for the course.
If you have questions on this course, please contact the Geography Department Chair, Dr. Charles Button at buttonche@ccsu.edu.
Past Independent Study Topics:
Geography Department students have researched a wide variety of independent study topics. Highlights of past independent studies include:
GIS for Hazard Management
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Meng
Introduction to the concept and applications of GIS for Hazard Management to assess need, analyze cost, and manage hazard risk.
Solar Energy Policies and Gender
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Pope
An examination of solar energy policies in different countries through a gendered lens.
Obesity in New England
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Meng
Using GIS to examine how individual socio-economic status and environmental factors contribute to obesity issues in the New England Region.
Local Tourism Geographies
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Pope
Highlights of local tourism opportunities, particularly in lodging and golf facilities.
GIS & Environmental Justice in New England
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Meng
Using GIS to detect and address environmental justice issues in New England.