Central Connecticut State University encourages teaching and administrative faculty to engage in research and other scholarly activities beyond their teaching and administrative responsibilities. The University encourages both sponsored and non-sponsored scholarship, creativity and innovation, and promotes collaboration between faculty and students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Central recognizes that the scholarly achievements of its faculty enhance reputations of both the faculty and the institution. These achievements also help Central attract and retain the best faculty and students. To this end, two distinct but related offices were created to help support Central faculty members’ efforts throughout the grant life cycle.
Grants & Funded Research (GFR) was established to assist with securing internal and external funding for faculty activities. GFR supports all pre-award activities as well as collection of final reports.
The Office of Post-Award Grants (PAG) was established to ensure compliance with the terms of various sponsored awards, including state and university regulations in the procurement of all supplies, equipment and services required by contract awards. The department also maintains revenue and expenditure records for federal, state, local and private foundation sponsored awards and prepares financial reports and statements for all external sponsored awards.
Both areas report to the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.