Office of Grants and Funded Research Procedures and Guidelines



The purpose of this Directory of Procedures and Guidelines is to provide clarity and guidance to the research administration process at Central. In addition, it articulates the roles and responsibilities of all key parties in the proposal and award process, and offers policy and/or procedure statements of important areas of activity around grants and contracts. Policies, where offered, articulate the institutional position on grant-related matters, and procedures provide descriptions of the processes involved in each important step of the grant life-cycle. Where possible, links are provided to useful resources, other policies, web pages, etc.

Training and workshops offered by the Office of Grants & Funded Research will try to use these documents as guidelines for the sake of consistency.

Proposal Development

- Narrative

- Budget

- Letters of Support

- Representations and Certifications

- Grant Application Checklist

Budget Development

- Budget Template

- Cost Categories

- Budget Narrative/Justification

Indirect Costs & Fringe Benefits

Cost Share & Matching Funds

Important Institutional Information