Do I need to submit the Connecticut State University Student Health Services form?
Yes, the Connecticut State University Health Services form is required by matriculated students.
Do I need to submit the Connecticut State University Student Health services form if I am a non-matriculated student?
No, the Connecticut State University Health Services form is not required by non-matriculated students. Should you change your status to a matriculated program, the Connecticut State University Health Services form will be required. You will receive notification at that time from the Student Wellnes Center and/or other Central office.
Do I need to submit the Health Services form if I am in an online program?
No, the Connecticut State University Health Services form is not required if you are matriculated in a designated online program as set forth in the course catalog by the university. If you should change to an on-ground/hyflex course the Connecticut State University Health Services form will be required. You will receive notification at that time from the Student Wellness Center and/or other Central office.
Do I need to submit the Connecticut State University Student Health Services form if I am registered for hybrid and/or hyflex model courses?
Yes, the Connecticut State University Health Services form is required for students registered for hyflex or hybrid courses.
Is the Connecticut State University Student Health Services form required if I have a copy of my vaccination record? Yes, the Connecticut State University Health Services form is required by you may attach your vaccination record as a supplement to your health form.
How should I submit my Connecticut State University Student Health Services form?
Please upload all completed forms and documentation to https://ccsu.medicatconnect.com/
Can my doctor send my vaccination record?
Your healthcare provider should provide the form to you directly. Once you are in receipt of your documents from your healthcare provider please upload to the Medicat Portal https://ccsu.medicatconnect.com/
Can I submit my Connecticut State University Student Health Services form without physician/clinician signature?
Yes you may submit without physician/clinician signature if you have attached a copy of your vaccination/immunization record from your physician/clinician. You may also submit a copy from your previous high school and/or other college/university record.
How do I check the status of my Connecticut State University Student Health Services form?
You may check the status of your submission by visiting your Banner account.
When should I check the status of my Connecticut State University Student Health Services form? Please allow at least 5-10 business days to check your status. This timeframe may fluctuate depending upon the volume of forms being received.
Should I resubmit duplicate copy of paperwork if initial paperwork has not been received? To avoid processing delays or errors we ask that you do not submit multiple copies of the same documentation unless requested by our office.
Form Submission Checklist
Have I submitted information as a separate .pdf or another attachment format and named the document? (i.e, Mary Smith Health Form)
Have I included my Central Student Id Number on the Connecticut State University Health Services form and/or supplemental documentation?
Is the information submitted legible?
Is Page One of the Connecticut State University Health Services form submitted for review?
Is Page Two of the Connecticut State University Health Services form submitted for review?
Have I answered/completed required student questions on the Connecticut State University Health Services form? (Name, Student Id Number, Date of Birth, Question 6, Sign and date the Bottom of Page 1 and Page 2)
Have I included copy of blood titer test lab report, if applicable?
Have I submitted copy of chest x ray, if applicable?