Frequently Asked Questions

How is my scholarship awarded?

The scholarship is evenly divided between the Fall and Spring semesters.

I was awarded a merit scholarship by the university. Is it added to my Honors scholarship?

Yes. Any additional scholarships are added to your financial aid. If you have specific questions, please direct them to the Financial Aid Office.

What GPA is required of me to retain my scholarship?

To maintain your scholarship you must maintain a 3.30 GPA, both overall and in Honors courses. Students who dip below these numbers will be placed on probation, and will work with the Director to develop a strategy for regaining their “Good Standing” status. Students who are unable to maintain a 3.30 GPA (either overall or in Honors courses) may remain in the Program without scholarship as long as they maintain a 3.00 GPA, both overall and in Honors courses.

What courses do I have to take in the program?

The Honors curriculum consists of 24 credits, as explained on the Curriculum page. All HON classes count toward your general education requirements; in addition, you can take special Honors sections of other Central courses, either to fulfill general education requirements or as part of your major. Please consult with the Director to see how a personalized Honors roadmap can be crafted to take into account your major and personal interests.

Can the Honors Program get me out of a class required for my major?

No. All requirements of your major take precedence over all rules and regulations of the Honors curriculum. For example, all education majors must take one course in American History and PSY 136.

Do I have to have a Minor?

Technically Honors students are exempt from having to take a minor. Note this only affects students who are not in the School of Education. However, for some majors, having a minor increases your knowledge-base, skill-set, and marketability. Therefore, Honors students are strongly encouraged to choose a minor if their major normally required it.

What if a required course in my major conflicts with all sections of an Honors course offered that semester?

Upon consultation with the Director, students in this situation can elect to take the conflicting Honors course later in their program, with the exception of HON 140 Critical Thinking and Persuasive Writing. For example, if all sections of HON 120 conflict with a major-level course during the Spring semester of the student’s freshman year, the student can elect to delay taking HON 120 until the Spring of their Junior or Senior year. If it can be shown that completing this course will delay a student’s graduation, a student may be permanently exempted from one (1) Honors course at the discretion of the Director.

Do I have to take WRT 105 or 110?

No – HON 115 Writing & Research I takes the place of the first-year writing requirement.

I already have AP or transfer credit for WRT 110 – do I still have to take HON 11?

Yes. HON 115 concentrates on writing and research skills that will aid you in your Honors courses (and all your Central courses) and help prepare you for your capstone experience.

What if it takes me longer than four years to graduate?

There is no penalty, but your scholarship only covers eight semesters.

I am an incoming student and I thought Honors students get priority for registration. Why didn’t I get the exact schedule I requested?

Remember that by the time you were accepted into the University and the Honors program, the Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores had all registered. All incoming students are therefore left with what remains. Your academic advisor registered you for the best schedule possible, keeping in mind your major and your preferences whenever possible. Beginning with the Spring semester registration of your Freshman year (which will take place in November), you will be able to take advantage of the Honors Program Priority Registration and be able to register for courses BEFORE the Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores.

Can I study abroad as an Honors Student?

Most certainly! Your Honors Scholarship can be used to study abroad during the fall and/or spring semester. It is strongly recommended that students wait until junior or senior year to study abroad, so that the sequence of Honors courses is not disrupted.

Does my scholarship cover summer school or winter session?


Contact Information

Dr. Kristine Larsen

Honors Program Director