J-1 Scholar Resources
- DS-2019
- U.S. Embassies and Consulates
- U.S. Department Skills List
- Two-Year Home Country Requirement
- ISSS Forms
- Frequently Asked Questions
A Professor or Research Scholar has a maximum period of three (3) years to engage in research and/or teaching. Authorization is issued on a yearly basis to ensure that the health insurance requirement is maintained. This category requires the minimum of a bachelor's degree and extensive experience in the field of study. J-1 Exchange Visitors/Scholars may not hold or be candidates for tenure at Central.
Visiting scholars may be subject to the "two-year home residency requirement," if funding is from government sources or if the visiting scholar's field of study is on the "Exchange Visitor's Skills List." If the visiting scholar is subject to this requirement, he or she must return to the country of legal residence for two years immediately following completion of the J-1 program.
At the end of the J-1 research scholar’s/professor’s exchange visitor program, regardless of the length of the stay (7 months, 2 years, or 5 years), the exchange visitor becomes subject to a "two year bar on repeat participation as a J-1 research scholar or professor." This means that when a research scholar/professor completes his or her J-1 program participation, regardless of the length, the J-1 research scholar/professor status is concluded and the individual is not eligible for another stay as a J-1 research scholar/professor until two years have passed.
This bar is different from the two year home country residence requirement (see below) and only applies if the individual wants to return to the U.S. in the J-1 research scholar/professor category. The two years can be spent in the U.S. in another J-1 category (i.e. short term scholar or specialist) or in another immigration status, e.g. H-1B, if eligible.
There currently exists a 12 month bar for persons seeking to use the J-1 Research Scholar/Professor category. This bar applies to individuals who have been in the U.S. in any J status (all categories except short term scholar, and including J-2 status) for six months or more in the 12 month period immediately prior to the proposed start date of the new J program. Prospective J-1 research scholars/professors who are subject to the two year bar on participation are not subject additionally to the 12 month bar.