On-Campus Employment
Students in F-1 status can work 19 hours a week when school is in session and 40 hours during vacation (summer and winter break). On campus job openings are available at the Career Development Office (CDO).
If you do not already have a Social security number, fill out the Employment Verification Form.
The Business Office requires an On-Campus Work Authorization letter to International Student & Scholar Services. Kindly complete the International/Exchange Request Form and submit to ISSS every semester.
Note: IELP students are only allowed to work in the Bookstore and Sodexo
Students in J-1 status can work 19 hours a week when school is in session and 40 hours during vacation (summer and winter break). On campus job openings are available at the Career Success Center (CSC).
Students in J-1 visa status must submit Exchange Student Employment Form to the International Student & Scholar Services before starting work. This information is required by USCIS.
Off-Campus Employment
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
Immigration permits lawful F-1 students the opportunity to gain practical work experience during their degree program and in their major field of study. This experience is called Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is “alternate work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum.” This may include paid and unpaid, part-time and full-time, on-campus and off campus. CPT must be approved by the Immigration Specialist at the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) and must be an integral part of the student’s curriculum. In order for off campus work to be considered as CPT, credit hours are required either through the Career Development Office (CDO) or an internship credit through the student’s Academic Department.
Eligibility Requirements
You must have:
- Valid F-1 status.
- Been lawfully enrolled full-time for at least one academic year.
- At least one course remaining to complete your degree program.
Required documents to be submitted to the ISSS
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Extension
Immigration permits lawful F-1 students the opportunity to gain practical work experience during their degree program and in their major field of study. This experience is called Curricular Practical Training (CPT). CPT must be approved by the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) and must be an integral part of the student’s curriculum. In order for off campus work to be considered as CPT, credit hours are required either through the Career Success Center or an internship credit through the student’s Academic Department.
Eligibility Requirements
You must have:
- Valid F-1 status.
- Been lawfully enrolled full-time for at least one academic year.
- At least one course remaining to complete your degree program.
Required documents to be submitted to the ISSS
- CPT Approval Form
- Letter of Employment:
- On company letterhead and signed by a company official.
- Stating a brief job description showing relation to your current major.
- Stating dates of employment: beginning and ending.
- Stating the number of hours per week:: full or part time.
- A new Form I-20 will be issued to you authorizing your CPT.
- Please submit your documents to ISSS Front Desk.
- You will be contacted within 2 weeks to pick up your new Form I-20.
No coursework is required in conjunction with full-time CPT. Part-time coursework may be taken. If CPT is part time, additional coursework will be required. Immigration permits full-time CPT of less than one year. Use of one year or more eliminates eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT, post-completion year of work authorization).
CPT/Internship/Co-Op authorization by the Immigration Specialist is required prior to commencement of employment.
- Letter of Employment:
- On company letterhead and signed by a company official
- Stating a brief job description showing relation to your current major
- Stating dates of employment: beginning and ending
- Stating the number of hours per week: full or part time
For Internship:- A copy of Independent Study Course Registration form or
- A copy of Course Registration
- A new Form I-20 will be issued to you authorizing your CPT.
- Please submit your documents to the ISSS Front Desk.
- You will be contacted within 2 weeks to pick up your new Form I-20.
No coursework is required in conjunction with full-time CPT. Part time coursework may be taken. If CPT is part-time, additional coursework will be required. Immigration permits full time CPT of less than one year. Use of one year or more eliminates eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT, post-completion year of work authorization).
CPT/Internship/Co-Op authorization by the Immigration Specialist is required prior to commencement of employment.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) permit lawful F-1 students the opportunity to gain practical work experience in their field of study after completing their program of study. This experience is called Optional Practical Training (OPT). By law, OPT must be approved by International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) and submitted to USCIS within 60 days of degree program completion. F-1 visa holders become eligible for another year of OPT when they change to a higher degree level.
Graduating students can apply for OPT 90 days before the completion of their program or within 60 days after the completion of their program at Central. Please be aware that it takes approximately 90 days for USCIS to process an OPT application. It is illegal to begin employment before you receive the Employment Authorization Document (EAD Card) and you are only permitted to work within the dates specified.
After graduation and once OPT has been approved, an e-mail will be sent to you by Student and Exchange Visitor Program which provides a link to SEVP PORTAL HELP.
Eligibility Requirements
You must:
- Valid F-1 status.
- Lawfully enrolled full-time for at least one academic year.
- Used less than one year of full time Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
- Have NOT completed a full year of OPT at your current degree level.
- Employment is related to your course of study
Learn More
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) permits lawful F-1 students who have suffered severe economic hardship due to unforeseen and unexpected economic circumstances to apply for work authorization.
Eligibility Requirements
You must:
- Have valid F-1 status.
- Have been lawfully enrolled full-time for at least one academic year.
- Be able to continue full-time studies and maintain F-1 status while engaged in Economic Hardship Work Authorization.
- Be able to document circumstances which led to unforeseen situation.
Documents Required by USCIS
Legible copies of
- Passport ID pages
- Latest Admission Stamp (red stamp inside passport)
- Latest Visa
- Front and back of I-94 (or Approval Notice with new I-94)
- Front page and signature page of all previous Form I-20's from all schools
- Any previously-issued Employment Authorization Documents
- Form I-765 (Application For Work Authorization)
- 2 passport size photos
- $470 fee: check or money order payable to Department of Homeland Security
- A letter of explanation detailing your present situation
- Documents to substantiate your present situation
- A new Form I-20 will be issued to you; this will be given to you and a copy should be mailed with your application to USCIS.
- If your application is approved, you will be issued an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) by USCIS.
- Approval is not guaranteed.
- Economic Hardship application process is not complete until you have signed a new Form I-20.
- It can take up to 4 months for the USCIS to process your request for Economic Hardship.
- You are limited to 20 hours of work during the school session and 40 hours during vacation. It is illegal to begin employment until you receive an EAD, can only work within the dates specified, and can work in an area other than your field of study.
- It is possible to re-apply for Economic Hardship after the expiration date. While on Economic Hardship, you are still in F-1 status and subject to F-1 regulations. You must remain a full time student and making good academic progress.
- Transferring to another school voids out your EAD card.
Immigration permits lawful J-1 students the opportunity to gain practical work experience related to their field of study during their exchange program. By law, Academic Training must be approved by the Academic Advisor and International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), and be an integral or critical part of the student’s academic program.
Eligibility Requirements:
You must:
- Hold valid J-1 status
- Be in the U.S. primarily to study rather than to work
- Be in good academic standing
- Receive written approval in advance
Requires Documents to be Submitted to International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)
- Letter of Employment:
- On company letterhead and signed by a company official
- Stating a brief job description showing relation to your field of study
- Stating dates of employment: beginning and ending
- Stating the total salary and number of weekly hours
- Academic Advisor Recommendation Form
- An extended DS-2019 will be issued with the Academic Training salary listed in the appropriate funding source and the following notation in the remarks box: “Academic Training: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy”.
Please submit your documents to the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) for processing. You will be contacted within two (2) weeks for a signature and to pick up your new DS-2019.
NOTE: It is illegal to begin employment before you receive authorization from your Immigration Specialist, and you are only permitted to work within the dates specified. Academic Training is permitted at any stage of your exchange program, while you are enrolled or after completion of your program. Academic Training must be requested prior to the exchange program ending date and must commence within thirty (30) days or prior to the start of the following semester. Academic Training is job specific yet may involve sequential or simultaneous activities with several employers with the appropriate authorization. Academic Training may be full-time or part-time. It may not exceed the amount of time spent in the full course of study.