Comprehensive Exam for Graduate Students in the MS Programs

Eligibility Requirements

Before students are allowed to take the Comprehensive Exam, they must have met the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Course completion:
    • Completed all of the following except one, as long as the applicants are enrolled in this one course during the semester they submit their application to take the comprehensive exam:
      • LLA 502, 504, 506, 508, 520, 514, 516, 518 and at least one elective, if on the 30-credit or 36-credit plan of study that leads to the 102 and/or 097 endorsements. It is recommended that applicants are taking LLA 518 during the semester they apply and take the comprehensive exam.
    • Completed LLA 502, 504, 506, 508, 520, 514, and at least 3 additional LLA or MATH courses, if on the 30-credit plan of study that does not lead to the 102 endorsement. 
  2. Application:
    • Applied for the Comprehensive Exam.


Apply to take the comprehensive exam only if you are a student in the Master’s degree program. The comprehensive exam is a degree completion requirement and it is different from the Reading Specialist Test, which is a state requirement for the 102 endorsement.

Apply for the comprehensive exam through CCSU’s Web Central, as if you were registering to take a course. Look for a course whose designator is COMPS. Then look for the section associated with the reading and language arts program. It is free to register and take the COMPS.

After you register for COMPS, email your academic advisor to request the study guide.

Application Deadline


For the Fall Semester Examination, the application must be completed no later than October 1.


For the Spring Semester Examination, the application must be completed no later than February 15.

Comprehensive Exam Dates

Fall and Spring

The Saturday before the start of finals, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.