Do you provide transportation?
No. Parents or guardians are expected to drop off and pick up their child.
Where are you located?
The Literacy Center is located in Henry Barnard Hall, Room 110. See campus map at https://www.ccsu.edu/campusmap
When do the sessions meet?
The sessions meet during the fall, the spring and the summer (periodically) and meet on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday for 10-11 weeks. Summer clinic meets daily for approximately 5 weeks.
How long do the sessions last?
The sessions last for 55 minutes during the fall and spring from 4:30-5:25 or 5:30-6:25.
What are the services?
Children are given initial reading assessments, provided with appropriate individual tutoring, post testing, consultation with parents, and a written report for parents and teachers.
Who provides the instruction?
Certified teachers who are in training for advanced degrees in Literacy Education provide the service and are supervised by faculty from the Literacy, Elementary, and Early Childhood Education Department.
How will this help my child?
Students are provided with instruction that meets their needs, are provided with one on one tutoring and small group instruction, and are provided with appropriate support so they can progress along a continuum.
Is there a cost?
No, but parents are encouraged to make a tax deductible donation to.
The Literacy Center
c/o The CCSU Foundation
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050.
What should I do to support my child throughout the process?
Your child’s clinician will work with you to provide activities you can use to help your child. We encourage you to follow through with these activities, read to your child, or listen to him/her read to you and bring your child to each session on time.
What information will parents need to provide about my child?
You must fill out the application form and a release form for your child’s teacher. Please give the form to your child’s teacher at the same time you submit your application to the Literacy Center. Do not send the school form to the Literacy Center without the requested information. The more information we receive, the better we will be able to serve your child. We cannot process applications, until ALL material is received.
What information will be needed from the school?
We need to have the text and level the child is reading, previous report cards; evaluations conducted by the school district and any mastery test information given to the child.
What if my child is ill or needs to miss a session.
Each child is allowed three absences. The parent or guardian should call the Department of Literacy, Elementary, and Early Childhood Education at 860-832-2175, and inform them if they are sick or if they will be late. Attendance is very important in the program and students have been dismissed due to poor attendance.
Can my child attend more than once?
Students have been referred for more than one session. A NEW application must be submitted for each session.
How will the clinicians choose the objectives?
Students will be assessed on reading and the language arts and a detailed plan will be developed based on data collected from multiple sources.