CCSU's certificate programs offer high-quality educational experiences in for-credit and non-credit subjects identified through close monitoring of market demands.
Stackable Certificates
Stackable credentials provide our students with high-quality educational opportunities, combined with the flexibility they demand in a fast-paced and rapidly changing world. Students can enroll in a short-term, focused certificate program that allows for rapid completion and career advancement while simultaneously working to complete an undergraduate or graduate degree from Central. This opportunity allows students to combine courses in new and personalized ways that build the applied skills needed to advance in their chosen field while working toward completion of a traditional degree.
Undergraduate and graduate for-credit certificate programs may be applied to a future degree and can be earned in:
Graduate Credit
Earn Credits from Non-Credit Certificate
Professional Education at Central uses the expertise of award-winning faculty, alumni and business experts to offer a wide variety of non-credit classes, programs, and professional certificates designed to help professionals advance in their careers and improve their knowledge. Our cutting-edge programs are intentionally designed to be offered online, on-ground, hybrid (the best of both), and HyFlex to help you balance your educational needs and the many competing demands of your life and business.
As an additional bonus, many of our non-credit certificates that can be used toward a Central degree through the American Council for Education’s articulation process! A selection of current offerings can be found below: