The following is a list of Central part-time faculty members, alumni, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are offering their services as tutors in mathematics and/or statistics. We are providing this list as a convenience for interested parties. It is not to be considered as an endorsement or a guarantee of the services to be provided.
Ann Marie Spinelli
Specialty: Algebra (MATH 102); Elementary Mathematics Education (MATH 113/213)
Phone: (860) 604-9691
Email: ann.spinelli@ccsu.edu
Brandon Hass - '19 BA Mathematics
Specialty: Stat 315 and 416
Phone: (860) 462-6548
Email: bhaas@my.ccsu.edu
Dan Aloi -'13 MS Data Mining
Specialty: Basic Math, Algebra I-II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Praxis Review
Phone: (860) 561-2747
email: westhartford@mathnasium.com
Website: www.mathansium.com/westhartford
Michelle Belval - '02 MS Math
Specialty: Basic Math, Statistics, Algebra, Probability
Phone: (860) 518-0245
Email: 05Michelle@gmail.com
Jerry Sands - '07 BSEd Math
Specialty: Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Business Math, Calculus I
Phone: (203) 605-0148
Email: jan25_94@yahoo.com
Sharon Wilson - '70 MA Math
Specialty: Elementary/Intermediate Algebra through Calculus I
Phone: (860) 658-7382
Email: sewilsonmath@yahoo.com
Judy Hodson - Central Adjunct Faculty
Specialty: Elementary/Intermediate Algebra, Elementary Statistics
Phone: (860) 597-0288
Email: jahodgson@ccsu.edu
Youlanda Babapoor - Central Adjunct Faculty
Specialty: Basic math up to Calculus 3
Phone: (860) 372-0507
Email: youlandab@ccsu.edu
Peter Goodell - Central Adjunct Faculty
Specialty: Elementary Algebra up to Precalculus & Elementary Statistics
Phone: (860) 709-5782
Email: pgoodellxx99@gmail.com
Lynn Page - Central Adjunct Faculty
Specialty: Elementary Algebra through Precalculus
Phone: (860) 841-2539
Natasha Progonati - Central Adjunct Faculty
Specialty: Algebra - Advanced Calculus, Elementary Statistics
Phone: (860) 461-5334
Email: progonatin@aol.com