Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Management program is accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE), 1390 Eisenhower Place, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, tel. 734-677-0720, (http://atmae.org). ATMAE is a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA). This accreditation provides recognition of the attainment of professional goals and standards for Industrial Technology. The curricular pattern is reviewed in terms of stated objectives, content, methods, supporting resources and evaluation systems.
Program Description:
The current global economy has forced manufacturers to confront new competitive challenges including a global market, reduced product life cycles and customer demand for diverse, high quality products. Successful American manufacturers have addressed these new challenges by installing state-of-the-art flexible computerized equipment and by implementing new agile organizational structures for efficient utilization of the new manufacturing technology. As a student in the Manufacturing Management program you will study both aspects of this new manufacturing strategy. While working in our Flexible Manufacturing laboratory, you will use state-of-the-art computerized equipment as you participate in "hands-on" manufacturing process courses. You will also learn business strategies used by manufacturers to improve competitive advantage. The Manufacturing Management program is designed to prepare graduates to assume leadership roles in the management of advanced manufacturing technology.
Career Outcomes:
Manufacturing Management program graduates are highly valued in both large and small manufacturing firms. Positions held by Manufacturing graduates include: Technical Supervising Engineer, Tool Designer, Manufacturing Engineer, Project Engineer, Quality Engineer, Engineering Supervisor, Technical Engineering Writer, and Tool Room Supervisor.
Program Sheet and Program Flowchart:
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Management
Type of Degree:
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Management
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