The Connecticut State Department of Education and Central are partners for this initiative which brings highly motivated college students from Central seeking education degrees to public school classrooms. The goal of this program is to provide future educators with hands-on experience and mentorship while addressing district needs.
This program is for Central students in the Education Professional Program for initial teacher certification. This initiative provides the opportunity to gain paid, hands-on experience in a K-12 classroom. Unlike student teachers, the NextGen Educators will not earn credit for this program. Instead school districts will agree upon an appropriate payment for their service. This helps students be better prepared to assume their future responsibilities — by complementing their traditional studies with more experiential learning throughout their studies. Plus, they’ll be able to begin building their professional network earlier, critical to future success.
CSDE May Press Release about Ed Rising
Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine
Roles of Partners
- Information sessions,
- Professional Development,
- Application process,
- NextGen Laptop,
- Regular check-in with Educators & districts
- Fingerprinting/background checks
- Professional mentors
- Collaborate with university & districts
- Interview/onboard student
- Determine required working hours
- Provide student with Anchor teacher or school contact
- Place student
- Allow student to participate in any professional learning that occurs during their assigned hours
- Check in with students
Expectations of a NextGen Educator
NextGen Educators are expected to consistently and promptly respond to communications from Central, their district contact, and their professional mentor. They should routinely check in with their mentor, once assigned. In addition, the NextGen Educator should attend all mandatory professional development sessions scheduled by Central. Educators should keep in mind that the are an employee of the district and should schedule and attend consistent working hours. Any changes in availability should be communicated with their district contact. These working hours need to be balanced with their coursework and fieldwork requirements, keeping in mind that NextGen is in addition to school responsibilities.
What districts are our students working in?
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