The Student Veteran Organization promotes the recognition of and appreciation for Armed Forces Service members and veterans within our campus community.
Club meetings are held on Wednesdays, at 3 p.m. in the Veterans Drop-In Center, Willard-DiLoreto, D 201. You do not need to be a veteran or actively involved with the military to be in this club.
All students are welcome!
Interested in becoming involved in the Central Student Veteran Organization? Email us at vetaffairs@ccsu.edu to find out more.
Join us at Central Student Veteran Organization Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ccsusvo/.
Club Officers
President: Andrew Dilko
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Faculty Advisor: Chris Gutierrez
The Student Veteran Organization is an organization that promotes the recognition of and appreciation for Armed Forces Service members and Veterans within our campus community. Club meetings are held on Wednesdays, at 3:00 pm.
Semper Fidelis - Ex Mari, Scientia - Semper Paratus - This We'll Defend