Contact Information

Davidson Hall, Room 210

Office of the Ombudsperson

What is the Office of the Ombudsperson?

The "Ombuds" Office is a safe place where students, faculty and staff are welcome to come and talk in confidence about any issue, concern, problem, or dispute on campus. The office will offer unbiased assistance and guidance in the attempt to resolve any complaints or concerns and holds the identity and all communications with those seeking assistance in strict confidence and will not disclose confidential communications unless given permission to do so. You may contact my office anytime, as a first step, as a last resort, or anywhere along the way. I will help you evaluate your situation and plan your next step if you decide to take one.

What Does the Ombuds do?

  • Provides a safe and confidential setting where students and staff can be heard
  • Listens intently and discusses conflicts, disputes, concerns, and complaints, including with Central policies, procedures
  • Advises students about informal and formal problem-solving resolution options
  • Answers questions or will help find others who can answer them

What Doesn't the Ombuds do?

  • Participate in formal grievance processes, hearings, or judicial processes
  • Make administrative or academic decisions for other parts of the University
  • Determine guilt or innocence of those accused of wrongdoing
  • Assign sanctions or give legal advice