Central Connecticut State University is a regional, comprehensive public university dedicated to learning in the liberal arts and sciences and to education for the professions. Comprising two colleges (Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Health & Rehabilitation Sciences) and three schools (Business, Education, Engineering & Technology), Central offers undergraduate and graduate programs through the master's and sixth-year levels and the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. Committed to offering Connecticut citizens access to distinctive academic programs of high quality, the University is also a responsive and creative intellectual and economic resource for the people and institutions of our state's capitol region. More than 85 percent of Central graduates remain in Connecticut, contributing to the intellectual, cultural, and economic health of the state.
Mission Statement
The more artificial resources that impact the physical plant of the university, the greater the disturbance we create for the Earth’s natural systems. To achieve sustainable environmental solutions, a commitment must be made to be stewards of the University’s natural resources. The council will seek to have the university community embrace environmental sustainability as an institutional way of operating. We will work to minimize our impact on the environment so that we leave a better and more balanced ecosystem. We are committed to the principles of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), addressing green space preservation and developing a campus-wide recycling program. The committee will endeavor to have the university nationally recognized as a leader in environmental sustainability.
Reports and Programs
Final Sustainability Report - Executive Summary (July 2007)
Sustainability Audit Report - Final Revision (July 23 2007)
VIDEO: Fuel cell installation
New additions on campus shine a light on sustainability at Central
Sustainability projects, events put Earth first at Central
Central partners with Campus Compact to launch sustainability projects in New Britain