Dr. Mbaye Diouf received his PhD in 2017 from Cheikh Anta Diop University. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics & Engineering Physics Central Connecticut State University, as well as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Brown University School of Engineering. His current and future research will broadly target optics and photonics, including nonlinear optics, space time wave packets, multiphoton microscopy, light sheet microscopy, and supercontinuum laser sources. He is an active member of OPTICA. Trilingual in Wolof, French, and English, Diouf intends to prioritize DEI in his research, teaching, and leadership, particularly for those on the periphery of higher education.
Physical optics
Structured light
Ultrafast optics
Nonlinear optics
Non-diffracting beams
Supercontinuum generation
Light sheet microscopy
Selected Publications
Mbaye Diouf, Z. Lin, M. Harling, K. Krishna, and K. C. Toussaint, "Interferometric phase stability from Gaussian and space–time light sheets," Optica 10, 1161-1164 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.493336.
Mbaye Diouf, Joshua A. Burrow and Kimani C. Toussaint, Jr. Elusive phase wave caught, Nat. Phys. 19, 314– 316 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-022-01861-z 5.
Mbaye Diouf, Z. Lin, M. Harling, and K. C. Toussaint, Jr., Demonstration of speckle resistance using space– time light sheets. Sci Rep 12, 14064 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-18153-4.
Mbaye Diouf, Joshua A. Burrow, Krishangi Krishna, Rachel Odessey, Ayman F. Abouraddy, and Kimani C. Toussaint, "Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons by diffraction-free and vector beams," Appl. Opt. 61, 7469- 7473 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.465853.
Rutendo Jakachira, Mbaye Diouf, Zixi Lin, Joshua A. Burrow, Andrew Howes, Teniola Oguntolu, Robert Carter III, Shira I. Dunsiger, and Kimani C. Toussaint, "Single-wavelength, single-shot pulse oximetry using an LED generated vector beam," Opt. Express 30, 27293-27303 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.461871
Mbaye Diouf, Ahmadou Wague, and Mourad Zghal, "Numerical investigation of an ultra-broadband coherent mid-infrared supercontinuum in a chalcogenide AsSe2-As2S5 multimaterial photonic crystal fiber," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, A8-A14 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAB.36.0000A8.
Mbaye Diouf, Lucien Mandeng Mandeng, Clément Tchawoua, and Mourad Zghal, "Numerical Investigation of Supercontinuum Generation Through AsSe2/As2S5 Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibres and Rib Structures," J. Lightwave Technol. 37, 5692-5698 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1364/JLT.37.005692.
Amplify Publishing Grant Optica Publishing Group, AWARDED $2,560.00 (USD), 2023
German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship DAAD: 2018, Max Born Institute Berlin, Germany.
Fellowship Training and Research in Italian Laboratories (TRIL): 2018-2019, Elettra Sincrotrone, Trieste, Italy
OPTICA Publishing Group (formerly OSA)
The International Society of Optics and Photonics SPIE
National Society of Black Physicists NSBP
General Physics-1 (PHYS 121)
University Physics Lab I (PHYS 125)
Optical Engineering: Course Number: 10165, Pre-College Program Brown University