Philosophy Club, Central Dial Yearbook, 1970
Welcome to the page for the Central Philosophy Club. This is a student-run club and all interested students are welcome. The purpose of this club is to provide an open forum for inclusive debate and discussion of philosophical issues dealing with ethics, morality, social justice, and life. Our goal is to provide a sense of community while discussing philosophical questions dealing with: truth, morality, existence, and other topics from classic and contemporary philosophical texts.
Upcoming Events
- There are no events to display at this time
Current officers:
Matt Cote - President
Shealin Callahan - Vice President
Jacob Schlapfer - Treasurer
Saige Crowley - Secretary
Danaiyla Mendoza - Social Media Manager
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Cameron Brewer
For more information, please contact:
Matthew Cote (President) matthew.cote@my.ccsu.edu
Shealin Callahan (Vice President) scallahan@my.ccsu.edu,
Dr. Cameron Brewer (faculty advisor) cbrewer@ccsu.edu.