Study Abroad


Study abroad programs at Central include semester-long opportunities to study at a foreign institution as well as shorter trips intended to expose students to new cultures, differing political systems, and unique perspectives, while they learn more about themselves in the process.

The Center for International Education has more than 20 university partnerships, approved external programs, and over 35 short-term, faculty-led programs offered annually. Departments as diverse as Journalism, Art, and Biology have offered the opportunity for students to travel abroad and receive university credit. The Political Science Department encourages students to enrich their understanding of international and comparative politics by joining a study abroad program during the students' studies. Faculty in the Department have also led study abroad trips to Spain, Morocco, Italy, and the United Arab Emirates.

More information on Study Abroad opportunities is available at the Center for International Education.

Contact Information

Ebenezer D. Bassett Hall, Room 316
Robbin Smith
Department Chair, Associate Professor
Political Science
Coordinator, Legal Studies Concentration
Political Science
Law School Advisor
Academic Affairs
Ebenezer D. Bassett Hall
Heather Berte
Political Science