Technical Standards - Athletic Training, MSAT

Health Policies & Requirements

Medical Requirements For Full-Time Students

All full-time students are required to submit a completed medical form that includes a medical history, immunization data, and a physical examination form signed by a health care provider. Current Central medical requirements and the General Medical Packet form can be obtained from the Health Services Website.

Record of Immunization: University Requirement

  1. Measles (two dosages), MMR; incidence of disease or Measles Titer
  2. Mumps (two dosages), MMR; or incidence of disease or Mumps Titer
  3. Rubella (two dosages), MMR; or incidence of disease or Rubella Titer
  4. Varicella (two dosages), MMR; or incidence of Chicken Pox Disease or Varicella Titer
  5. Meningococcal is mandatory for all dormitory students (strongly recommended for athletic training majors).
  6. TB Risk Questionnaire and/or Test

Vaccination History: ATPP Program Requirement of All Students Involved In Clinical Experiences

  1. Tetanus Booster Td or Tdap vaccination (within last 10 years)
  2. Hepatitis B vaccination series or Hepatitis B Titer; or annually sign the waiver for Hepatitis B vaccination
  3. Annual PPD - TB Skin Test
  4. Annual Flu Vaccination is mandatory for all clinical courses

Please Note: Additional testing or immunizations may be required of the athletic training student by Central and/or by Central approved affiliate site prior to exposure to patients/clients.

Policy For Establishing The Health Status of MSAT Students

Prior to being permitted to begin the clinical experience assignments the names of athletic training students involved in the clinical aspect of the Athletic Training Professional Program will be submitted to University Health Service. A review of the student’s medical record for current immunizations will be verified. Documentation that verifies the completion of Central’s health form and that signifies that the student meets the health requirements for the program will be kept in the student's academic file. Those students whose immunizations are missing or not current will be required to obtain the necessary immunizations prior to being permitted to continue in the clinical component of the Athletic Training Professional Program.

Health Policy For Infective Illness & Contact With Patients/Clients

Athletic Training students who develop signs or symptoms of an infectious illness should make an appointment with University Health Service or with their personal physician for evaluation and diagnosis. A note from the physician or from health services should be obtained if the student is advised to avoid contact with patients/clients. Should an athletic training student be notified that they were exposed to an infectious illness during a clinical experience, the policies and medical processes of the affiliated site will be incorporated.