Admissions Contact

Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions

Academic Contact

Clayton Penniman
Professor Emeritus
Nicolaus Copernicus Hall

Academic Department


This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.

A minor is not required with this major.


Specialization: General Biology:  The specialization in General Biology allows the most flexibility within the Biology BS degree.  This pathway is appropriate for those who wish to take a broad approach to their biological education, for students who are interested in multiple areas of biology and would like to keep their post-graduate educational and career options open, and for students who want to customize their degree to have a focus that is not offered in the other specializations.  Core requirements are the same for all Biology specializations, but the selection of Biology electives is unrestricted in the General Biology Specialization.


General Biology

Biology core, plus 12-17 credits of any other 200-level or higher BIO or BMS courses (except for BIO 211). Please note that upper-level BMS courses require BMS 201, which can count as an elective in the general biology major. Other electives may be approved at the discretion of the department chair.

Ecology, Biodiversity, and Evolutionary Biology Specialization

A minor is not required for this major.

The Ecology, Biodiversity, and Evolutionary Biology specialization emphasizes ecological and evolutionary processes integrated with study of organismal diversity. Students will develop an understanding of the processes that influence relationships among organisms and interactions with their environments through selected courses and individual research projects. This program will prepare students for careers with government agencies (e.g., conservation, fisheries, wildlife management, forestry), nongovernmental organizations, environmmental education groups, and the environmental industry. In addition, students will be prepared for graduate studies in fields such as ecology, evolution, animal behavior, natural resources management, or marine and aquatic biology.

Biology core, plus 12-17 credits as follows:

Environmental Science Specialization (32 total credits in biology required)

A minor is not required for this major.

The Environmental Science specialization offers students a strong biology core curriculum and added multidisciplinary strengths in environmental science. The program provides students with a foundation in organismal biology, ecology, environmental chemistry, earth science, and environmental management in order to give an understanding of environmental issues from a multidisciplinary perspective. The program has particular strengths in plant and animal organismal biology and aquatic (freshwater and estuarine) ecology. The specialization prepares students for careers in environmental science and natural resource management with government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the environmental industry, or for graduate studies in these areas.

Biology core, plus 12-17 credits as follows:

One course in environmental management. 

Related Requirements

Human Biology Specialization

A minor is not required for this major.

The Human Biology specialization is designed for students who want to focus their biological studies on the structure and function of the human body.  In addition to basic coursework focused on anatomy and physiology, there are specialized courses that deal with such topics as reproduction, neurobiology, endocrinology, genetics, embryology, nutrition, and metabolism.  Several courses within the specialization also address the causes and vectors of disease.