This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
Major Requirements (31-35 credits)
Biology Core (15 credits)
Animal Diversity Elective (4 credits)
Plant Diversity Elective (3-4 credits)
Genetics/Microbiology Elective (3-4 credits)
Physiology Elective (3-4 credits)
Ecology/Evolution Elective (3-4 credits)
BIO 434 Ecology of Inland Waters 4 Credits
BIO 470 Field Studies in Biology 1-4 Credits
BIO 471 International Field Studies in Biology 1-4 Credits
At least one course in BIO or BMS must be at the 400-level. Please note that upper-level BMS courses require BMS 201, which can count as an elective in the biology major.
Science Related Requirements (21 credits)
CHEM 161 General Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 162 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit
CHEM 200 Foundations of Analytical Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 260 Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 210 Organic Chemistry I - Foundations 3 Credits
CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory - Foundations 1 Credit
PHYS 121 General Physics I 4 Credits
PHYS 125 University Physics I 4 Credits
SCI 400 Nature of Science and Technology 3 Credits
SCI 414 Interdisciplinary Science, Practices, and Pedagogy 3 Credits
Math Requirement (4-6 credits)
Related Requirements (9 credits)
PSY 236 Life-Span Development 3 Credits
HIST 161 American History to 1877 3 Credits
These courses may be used to fulfill general education requirements.
Professional Education (27 credits)
SPED 315 Introduction to Educating Learners with Exceptionalities 3 Credits
EDTE 316 Principles of Learning in Diverse Settings (Secondary) 4 Credits
LLA 440 Literacy instruction in the Secondary School 3 Credits
EDSC 425 Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Teaching at the Secondary Level 3 Credits
SCI 417 Science Methods in Secondary School 3 Credits
SCI 418 Fieldwork in Secondary Science Education 1 Credit
Total Credit Hours: 120
This major is designed for students who wish to teach biology at the secondary level. The program includes consideration of all major concepts and areas of biology. Within some of the areas, students may select different courses to build on knowledge gained in their first and second years of study. Students are continuously encouraged to see connections in biological events from the standpoint of all sciences. The specialization also includes a professional education component. Because of the breadth of required courses, it is also possible for students in secondary education to enter a variety of other careers in research, health, and industry, as well as graduate study.
A student who majors in biology is not required to complete a minor but is urged to minor in one of the other laboratory sciences or general science.
Portfolio Requirement
All majors in the Department of Biology are required to complete a student portfolio. Minimally, the student portfolio must include a current resume, a current Student Graduation Evaluation (available from the Department of Biology) or transcript, a narrative describing the student's goals for undergraduate education and graduate educational or career plans, and writing samples from one or more upper-level courses in the major. To fulfill the portfolio requirement in biology, the student portfolio must be reviewed with one or more faculty members in biology as a course requirement in BIO 200, as a required component of BIO 390, 391, 491, and all independent studies and internships, and prior to application for graduation, as evidenced by submission of a Portfolio Requirement Completed form (available from the Department of Biology and signed by the major advisor) to the biology chair.