This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
Program Rationale:
The educational technology program is an applied curriculum based on a balanced approach of theory (knowledge) and hands-on experience. The goal of this program is to provide leadership in ET for teachers in the public schools. Graduate students will gain knowledge and experience in the following areas:
- instructional design process;
- visual design;
- visual literacy;
- working with a range of software programs;
- working with a range of interactive delivery systems (video, audio, print, Web, multimedia, animation, etc.);
- applying design and production skills to various instructional outcomes;
- applying assessment rubrics (formative and summative evaluation) to completed instructional-based projects; and
- troubleshooting technology problems.
A unique feature of the educational technology program is that all courses build on one another to provide maximum relevance, linkage, and unity. The master's program in educational technology underscores the need for competency and mastery for each course to be based on knowledge and performance. Students are assessed on how well they are able to apply their skills and knowledge to course projects. The performance criteria are as follows:
- Content design: Does the project content reflect sound instructional strategies?
- Visual design: Does the overall look and appearance of the project capture the learners' attention and interest?
- Technical considerations: Are technical decisions such as programming and visual and audio manipulation functional? Does the project work?
- Evaluation: Does the program teach? Is there change in behavior?
Program Learning Outcomes:
Students are expected to:
- apply technology skills in the development of instruction;
- understand and apply instructional design process;
- apply production skills in the development of instruction;
- apply evaluation standards to various instructional programs;
- understand and apply the technology integration process;
- understand and apply inquiry skills in educational technology research; and
- demonstrate leadership skills in applying instructional technology in the work environments.
Admission Requirements:
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Applicants must also have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.70 on a 4.00 point scale (where A is 4.00), or its equivalent, and good standing (3.00 GPA) in all post-baccalaureate course work.
The graduate application, application fee, and official transcripts are to be submitted to the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Office. Official transcripts must be sent directly to the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Office from each institution attended except Central Connecticut State University.
Contact: 860-832-2130
Course and Capstone Requirements: 30 credits
Core Courses
EDT 502 Design Tools 3 Credits
EDT 505 Inquiry in Educational Technology 3 Credits
EDT 515 Instructional Design 3 Credits
EDT 517 Message Design and Production 3 Credits
EDT 525 Instructional Video and Audio 3 Credits
EDT 530 Online Instruction 3 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 27 Credits
Research and Capstone Requirements (Plan E: Special Project)
In the capstone final project (EDT 597), a graduate student completes a comprehensive instructional project that is larger and different from a classroom project. In this culminating experience the graduate student demonstrates the ability to apply and integrate the skills acquired in the program as they independently design, develop, implement and assess the final project. The faculty serve as sounding boards throughout the final project.
Students begin the final project by submitting a comprehensive proposal. Before beginning EDT 597 Final Project, students must have completed at least 21 credits in the program including EDT 505 and EDT 525. Completion of the project requires use of a personal computer, an email account, and a current CCSU BlueNet account.
Total Credit Hours: 3 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 30