This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
The teacher preparation program in elementary education (Grades 1-6) prepares beginning teachers to become highly knowledgeable about subject matter and pedagogy; and to be critically reflective, responsive, compassionate, and committed to meeting the learning needs of all children with diverse cultural, socioeconomic, and linguistic backgrounds.
Program Requirements (120 credits)
Students must choose a major designed for elementary education (33-39 credits). Majors include English, geography, history, mathematics, general science with a specialization in biology, and general science with a specialization in earth science. For specific major requirements see individual majors certifiable for elementary education.
Related Requirements (27 credits)
All of these courses, with the exception of PSY 361 and PSY 362, can be used to fulfill general education requirements.
HIST 161 American History to 1877 3 Credits
HIST 162 American History from 1877 to Present 3 Credits
PSY 136 Life-Span Development 3 Credits
SCI 111 Elementary Earth-Physical Sciences 3 Credits
BIO 211 Concepts in Biology 3 Credits
MATH 113 Structure of Mathematics I: Number Systems 3 Credits
MATH 213 Structure of Mathematics II: Probability & Geometry 3 Credits
PSY 361 Psychology of Early Childhood 3 Credits
PSY 362 Child Psychology 3 Credits
EDEL 115 Fostering Positive School Climate through Aesthetic Education 3 Credits
EDEL 212 Foundations of Educating and Schooling in Elementary Education 3 Credits
Elementary Education candidates with a History major do not take HIST 161 or HIST 162.
Professional Education (40 credits)
Enrollment in the following courses requires acceptance to the professional program for teacher certification.
LLA 315 Comprehensive Reading Instruction I 3 Credits
EDEL 315 Principles of Learning: Elementary Education 3 Credits
SPED 315 Introduction to Educating Learners with Exceptionalities 3 Credits
LLA 316 Comprehensive Reading Instruction II 3 Credits
EDT 210 Introduction to Educational Technology 1 Credit
EDEL 322 Effective Elementary Teaching I 3 Credits
EDEL 420 Effective Elementary Teaching II 3 Credits
EDT 415 Developing Instructional Materials 1 Credit
LLA 412 Literacy instruction in the Elementary School 3 Credits
MATH 412 Elementary Mathematical Methods 3 Credits
SCI 412 Elementary Science Methods 2 Credits
EDEL 415 Elementary Social Studies Methods 2 Credits
EDEL 430 Elementary Education Student Teaching 9 Credits
EDEL 431 Topic Seminar in Leadership and Learning Communities 1 Credit
Total Credit Hours: 120
The completion of a minor is not required.