This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
English Major Requirements (54 credits)
Core Requirements (24 credits)
CINE 201 The Language of Film 3 Credits
LING 200 Introduction to Linguistics 3 Credits
LING 300 Language Acquisition 3 Credits
ENG 203 Survey of World Literature: Ancient to Early Modern 3 Credits
ENG 204 Survey of World Literature: 17th Century to the Present 3 Credits
ENG 205 Survey in British Literature: Middle Ages to the 18th Century 3 Credits
ENG 210 Survey of American Literature: Pre-Civil War 3 Credits
ENG 211 Survey of American Literature: Civil War to the Present 3 Credits
Upper-Level Courses (18 credits)
ENG 461 Shakespeare: Major Comedies 3 Credits
ENG 462 Shakespeare: Major Tragedies 3 Credits
ENG 492 Literature for Young Adults 3 Credits
ENG 398 Topics in Literary Theory and Research 3 Credits
(On American Lit)
And one additional 300-400 level British Literature course (3 cr)
ENG 398 Topics in Literary Theory and Research 3 Credits
(On British Lit)
And one additional 300-400 level American Literature course (3 cr)
And one additional 300-400 level American Literature course (3 cr)
ADD NEW COURSE ABOVE: One 300-400 level World Literature course (3 cr)
At least one literature course other than ENG 492 must be at the 400 level
Pedagogy (12 credits)
A minimum grade of C is required in ENG 402, ENG 406, ENG 407, and ENG 408.
ENG 402 Advanced Composition & Technology in the English Classroom 3 Credits
ENG 406 Teaching the Mechanics of Writing 3 Credits
ENG 407 Literature for Teachers 3 Credits
ENG 408 Teaching Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools 3 Credits
Professional Education (27 credits)
EDTE 316 Principles of Learning in Diverse Settings (Secondary) 4 Credits
SPED 315 Introduction to Educating Learners with Exceptionalities 3 Credits
EDSC 425 Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Teaching at the Secondary Level 3 Credits
LLA 440 Literacy instruction in the Secondary School 3 Credits
ENG 420 Teaching English in Secondary Schools 3 Credits
ENG 421 Field Work in Secondary English Education 1 Credit
Total Credit Hours: 120
All studies courses (ENG 348, ENG 358, ENG 388, ENG 448, ENG 449, ENG 458, and ENG 488) may be taken twice under different topics. Further substitutions within area requirements are permitted only with prior approval of the advisor and the department chair.