With their highly advanced industrial base and skilled workforce, the industrialized countries of Europe have long been major trading and strategic partners for the United States, or to the east of the continent competitors and adversaries, at times. But since the end of the Cold War, the European Union has received a massive transfusion of new energy and human capital with the inclusion of historic countries of Central and Eastern Europe like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, while Russia and other countries further to the east continue to reshape their identities in the aftermath of the Soviet Union. Whatever the resolution of Europe’s financial, institutional, and political crises, the countries of Europe will continue to play a major role in the world economy, international politics and world culture.
Lecture series offered by diplomats, corporate and non-profit executives, activists, and internationally recognized scholars enrich the program. Students can participate in overseas experiences, choose the country or countries they want to study, and select a relevant foreign language(s) among French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, or Spanish. Graduates may be able to find work with international marketing firms, international organizations, international communications, multicultural institutions, European companies or U.S.-based companies with European operations.
Requirements: (18 credits)
15 credits from the courses below. 6 credits must be at the 300 or 400-level. Not more than 9 credits from the same discipline (designator).
ENG 365 The Modern European Novel 3 Credits
FR 304 Introduction to French Literature 3 Credits
FR 305 Introduction to Francophone Literature 3 Credits
FR 315 Aspects of Francophone Cultures 3 Credits
FR 316 Contemporary France 3 Credits
GEOG 444 European Union 3 Credits
GEOG 448 Russia and Neighboring Regions 3 Credits
GER 316 German Civilization from 1800 to Present 3 Credits
HIST 234 Modern Europe 3 Credits
HIST 348 History of Russia II 3 Credits
HIST 380 Modern Poland 3 Credits
HIST 443 Revolution and Reformation in Europe 3 Credits
HIST 444 Mass Politics and Total War in Europe 3 Credits
HIST 447 History of the Soviet Union 3 Credits
HIST 448 Stalin and Stalinism 3 Credits
HIST 452 World War II in Europe 3 Credits
IS 463 Topics in European Studies 3 Credits
ITAL 304 Introduction to Italian Literature I 3 Credits
ITAL 305 Introduction to Italian Literature II 3 Credits
ITAL 316 Italian Civilization from 1861 to the Present 3 Credits
ITAL 488 Italian Life and Culture 3 Credits
PHIL 330 Early Modern Philosophy 3 Credits
PHIL 332 19th Century Philosophy 3 Credits
PHIL 366 Existentialism 3 Credits
PS 336 West European Governments 3 Credits
PS 435 Central and Eastern European Politics 3 Credits
SPAN 304 Introduction to Spanish Literature I 3 Credits
SPAN 305 Introduction to Spanish Literature II 3 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 18