This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
CORE (18 credits) at 500 level; ELECTIVES (No more than 6 credits at the 400 level); CAPSTONE
Program Rationale:
The MA degree in history is offered for students who desire to do further historical study and research beyond the bachelor's degree. It serves students interested in graduate study of U.S., modern European, and comparative world history. The degree is designed to meet the varied needs and interests of students seeking an advanced degree in history. For secondary teachers, it fulfills Connecticut State Department of Education requirements and may lead to other employment opportunities. Some who earn the MA will use it as a foundation for undertaking doctoral work in history, law, government, international affairs, and other relevant fields.
Because the majority of students in the master's program are employed full-time during the day, graduate courses are offered in the evening, usually on a one-night-a-week basis. This schedule allows students time to complete regular assignments, carry on research, and make regular progress toward the MA degree.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Students completing the MA will be expected to:
- demonstrate an understanding of historiography and its relevance for the study of history;
- develop historical arguments and present them effectively, orally and in writing;
- produce examples of various types of historical writing, such as book reviews, bibliographic essays, research papers, prospectus, and theses; and
- present original historical arguments using both primary and secondary sources.
Admission Requirements:
To be considered for admission to the M.A. in History, you must meet the following requirements:
- Applicants must have an undergraduate (or combined undergraduate/graduate) GPA of 3.00 or higher, as well as a degree in history or related field. Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. If you do not meet this admission standard, please see the "NOTES" below.
- Applicants must submit the following additional materials to the History Department: two letters of recommendation and two essays. Write a 500-word essay that discusses a scholarly monograph written by a historian that has influenced the way you think about the past, and write a 250-word essay that describes your career aspirations and any opportunities for career preparation that you have had.
- The graduate application, application fee, and official transcripts must be submitted to the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Office.
- Instructions for uploading the essay and for obtaining and submitting the recommendation letters will be found within the graduate online application.
- All application materials must be received by the application deadline.
- If you have an undergraduate degree in history but are denied admission because you have an undergraduate (or combined undergraduate/graduate) GPA between 2.70 and 2.99, or for any other reason, then you may be considered for conditional admission. In order to be recommended for full admission, conditionally admitted students must complete HIST 501 or HIST 502 with a B+ or better.
- If you have an undergraduate degree in history but are denied admission because you do not meet the GPA requirements for full admission or conditional admission, or for any other reason, then you must take 9 credits of 500-level history courses, including HIST 501 or HIST 502, as a non-matriculated student. (If you are later admitted to the program, then those courses will apply to your graduate degree.) In order to be considered for admission, you must earn a grade of B+ in all 9 credits of 500-level history courses and receive two positive letters of recommendation from CCSU History Department faculty. Once you have fulfilled those conditions, you should apply again for admission.
- If you meet the GPA requirements for full admission to the graduate program but do not have an undergraduate degree in history, you should meet with the History Department chair or a History Department M.A coordinator to determine the requisite courses needed for admission. At minimum, those students will receive a conditional admission and must complete HIST 501 OR HIST 502 with a B+ or better.
For more information, contact the History Program Coordinator, 860-832-2800
Course and Capstone Requirements (including a thesis)
Admission criteria: Acceptance into the CCSU Graduate Program and approval of the History Department chair or M.A. coordinator.
500-level history courses
HIST 501 Thinking Historically 3 Credits
HIST 502 Writing History 3 Credits
HIST 599 Thesis (Plan A) 6 Credits
Directed electives as approved by advisor
HIST 501 and HIST 502: The student must complete HIST 501 and HIST 502 within the first year of academic study (6 credits).
Total Credit Hours: 30 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 30
Note: After receiving permission from the M.A. program advisor, a student may take up to 6 credits of HIST 495 or other graduate-level courses in a related discipline. Students should not enroll in any other 400 level courses as they will not count toward their planned program of study.
Candidates will be required to demonstrate the ability to translate material in their fields in one foreign language, except in those cases where, upon the request of a candidate in U.S. history, a substitute skill or subject is approved by the department. Candidates must make application in the department to take the language examination. Deadlines are October 10, for the fall examination; March 10, for the spring.
The fields of concentration available in the M.A. program are U.S. history, European history, and comparative world history. No more than six credits can be taken at the 400 level.
Although proficiency in a language other than English is not a program requirement, students should be aware that it may be necessary for certain research subjects.