This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
Accredited by ETAC of ABET
This major develops concepts employed by manufacturing industries to increase productivity, reduce cost, and efficiently use tools and machinery. Emphasis is on the areas of manufacturing, process planning, CAD/CAM, production techniques, and the application of mathematics and computers. Students must complete the coursework in four categories: general education, major requirements, directed electives, and additional requirements.
For all majors a minimum grade of C- is required in all courses in the major, all additional course requirements as well as courses in Study Area IV, Skill Area I, and Skill Area II
Core Requirements
ENGR 150 Introduction to Engineering 3 Credits
ME 216 Manufacturing Engineering Processes 2 Credits
ME 217 Manufacturing Engineering Processes Lab 1 Credit
ET 251 Applied Mechanics I - Statics 3 Credits
ET 252 Applied Mechanics II - Dynamics 3 Credits
ET 357 Strength of Materials 3 Credits
ET 361 Engineering Technology Instrumentation 3 Credits
ET 399 Engineering Economy 3 Credits
ETM 260 Computer Aided Design and Integrated Manufacturing CAD/CAM/CIM 3 Credits
ETM 340 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 3 Credits
ETM 356 Materials Analysis 3 Credits
ETM 360 Computer Aided Planning (CAP) 3 Credits
ETM 461 Composites and Plastics Manufacturing Processes 3 Credits
ETM 462 Manufacturing Process Planning and Estimating 3 Credits
ETM 466 Design for Manufacture 3 Credits
ETM 497 Engineering Technology Senior Project Research 2 Credits
ETM 498 Engineering Technology Senior Project (Capstone) 2 Credits
Directed Technical Electives (6 to 7 credits)
The following courses, selected in consultation with an academic adviser, satisfy the directed technical electives requirement (6 to 7 credits):
ET 495 Topics in Engineering Technology 3 Credits
ETM 358 Applied Thermodynamics 3 Credits
ETM 367 Machine Design 3 Credits
ETM 463 Plastics and Composite Tool Design 3 Credits
ETM 467 Applied Finite Element Analysis 3 Credits
ETM 468 Composite Design & Analysis 3 Credits
ENGR 490 Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) 3 Credits
ETM 464 CAD Solid Modeling and Design 3 Credits
Additional Requirements
CET 236 Circuit Analysis 3 Credits
CHEM 161 General Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 162 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit
ENGR 240 Computational Methods for Engineering 3 Credits
ET 354 Applied Fluid Mechanics 3 Credits
MM 121 Mechanical CAD 3 Credits
MM 226 Principles of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) 3 Credits
MATH 119 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry 4 Credits
MATH 116 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 3 Credits
ROBO 420 Manufacturing Automation 3 Credits
General Education Requirements for Engineering Technology (ET) Majors (44-49 Credits)
Study Area I: Arts and Humanities
Literature (3)
Philosophy or Fine Arts (3)
Literature, Philosophy or Fine Arts (3)
Study Area II: Social Sciences
History (3)
ECON or GEOG or HIST or Pol. Sci. or ET 399 (3 credits)
Study Area III: Behavioral Sciences
Anthropology, Psychology, or Sociology
Study Area IV: Natural Sciences
PHYS 121 General Physics I 4 Credits
PHYS 125 University Physics I 4 Credits
PHYS 122 General Physics II 4 Credits
PHYS 121 and PHYS 122: Recommended
Skill Area I: Communication Skills
ENG 110 Introduction to College Writing 3 Credits
ENGR 290 Engineering Technical Writing and Presentation 3 Credits
ENG 110: Placement exam may be required before enrolling in English or Mathematics courses.
Skill Area II: Mathematics
Placement exam may be required before enrolling in English or Mathematics courses.
MATH 135 Applied Engineering Calculus I 3 Credits
MATH 136 Applied Engineering Calculus II 3 Credits
MATH 135 and MATH 136: Recommended
Skill Area III: Foreign Language Proficiency
Skill Area IV: University Requirement
PE 144 College Wellness 2 Credits
or for transfer students
Total Credit Hours: 130